The Linux Crontab Shell script implements a second level timed task

  • 2020-12-19 21:21:49
  • OfStack

1. Write Shell script

step=1 # The number of seconds between can not be greater than 60 
for (( i = 0; i < 60; i=(i+step) )); do 
 $(php '/home/www/php/crontab/crontab.php') 
 sleep $step 
exit 0

2. crontab-e enter the following statement, then :wq save and exit

# m h dom mon dow command 
* * * * * /home/www/php/crontab/

linux second timing task realization


linux itself does not support second-level timing. To implement it, you can run a script regularly (e.g., once per minute). The content of this script is actually 1 endless loop execution code, i.e., 1 straight execution

Note: If the timed program consumes too much time each time, such as 1 second to execute without playing, seelp1 is to let the script sleep 1 during the endless loop

Here is a demonstration of a second timer task for an shell script:

1. crontab-e execute inviteFriend.ES30en script per minute

#2 seconds to run - invite friends 3.0

 * * * * * /webservice/crontab/ /webservice/crontab/ Switch to vim under directory

Write the following:

step=2 # The number of seconds between can not be greater than 60 

for (( i = 0; i < 60; i=(i+step) )); do
 #$(php '/home/php/crontab/tolog.php') 
 curl -I http://******.com/InviteFriends/sendInviteFriendCoupon
 sleep $step
exit 0

wq saves exit

Note: Authorization is given to timed scripts after saving

chmod 777 filename


Above is the site to you to introduce Linux Crontab Shell script to achieve the second timing task method, I hope to help you, if you have any questions welcome to leave a message, this site will reply you in time!

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