Detail the Docker based service deployment process

  • 2020-12-05 17:28:49
  • OfStack

This summary covers the installation of ES1en-ES2en and ES3en-ES4en, the production of CentOS7 image, the construction of Docker private warehouse, the pulling of private image from CentOS7 private warehouse under es7EN6.7 environment, the operation of Docker container, the compatibility handling of CentOS6.5 and CentOS71 when they are shipped, etc.

1. Docker basic components and DevOps operation process

DockerImage: The Docker image is a read-only template for a running container.

DockerContainer: The Docker container is a standardized unit for running an application.

DockerRegistry: The Docker registry server is used to store images.

DockerEngine: The Docker engine is used to create, run, and manage containers on the host.

2. Docker installation and configuration

Since the Docker foreign site downloads slowly or cannot be downloaded normally, it needs to be updated to the foreign source before quick installation configuration. CentOS 6.5 Install ES41en-ES42en and CnetOS7 install ES44en-ES45en

# create docker Related directories 

mkdir -p /data/docker

# The installation docker Run the necessary tools 

sudo yum install -y yum-utilsdevice-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 crontabs

# increase docker Download warehouse, using Aliyun warehouse download, foreign sites download too slow 

sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo

sudo yum makecache fast

# The installation docker And testing docker Installation operation 

sudo yum -y install docker-ce

docker version

systemctl enable docker.service

systemctl start docker.service

# configuration docker

sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker

sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json<<-'EOF'

{"graph": "/data/docker"}


sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl restart docker

3. Set up private Docker warehouse

dockerd Docker installation is completed the configuration files in/etc docker/daemon json, if there is no this file, you can manually create.

1. Install and configure registry image

pull docker the second version of registry, es68EN 1.6 above supports registry2

docker pull registry:2.6.0

Or do not specify version, indicating version latest

docker pull registry

Configure ES77en. json to remove docker's default access to https, otherwise the following problems may occur:


Get server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client


Open configuration file

vim /etc/docker/daemon.json

The contents are 1 json object, plus 1 item ES94en-ES95en, the address is changed by itself:




If the setting here is invalid, directly configure the service program as follows (add red font content) :


ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --insecure-registry

Restart docker

systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl restart docker

2. Start registry container without authentication

Uploaded to the private warehouse when the mirror is the default in/var lib registry/container, in order to prevent delete registry upload image has been deleted, so to enable a volume, will upload the image of persisted in our physical machine, saving location is/opt registry/here.

docker run -d --name registry -p5000:5000 --restart=always -v /opt/registry/:/var/lib/registry/ registry:2.6.0

Test whether to start the container


If the following information is returned, the startup is successful


3. Private repository pushes and pulls private images

The test was uploaded to our own private registry, first renaming the mynginx image tag:

docker tag mynginx

It is important to note here that the renamed tag must have the prefix establishing followed by mynginx, which is the new mirror name. The two names can be different. Then start push to the private registry warehouse we set up:

docker push

Detect the push image and return the following results indicating that the push is normal.



Test private warehouse image pull pull, the local pull is as follows:

docker pull registry:2.6.0

Other physical host pull private warehouse mirror, under the premise that install docker configuration/etc docker/daemon json file add insecure - registries, ip address oneself changes:

docker pull registry:2.6.0

Then restart docker and execute pull. You can also upload the image

docker pull registry:2.6.0

4. Dockerfile creates service image

Dockfile is a script interpreted by the Docker program. Dockerfile consists of 1 instruction by 1 instruction, each instruction corresponds to 1 command under Linux. The Docker program translates these Dockerfile instructions into the real Linux commands. Dockerfile has its own written format and supported commands, and the Docker program resolves dependencies between these commands, similar to Makefile. The Docker program reads Dockerfile and generates a custom image based on the instruction. The obvious script, Dockerfile, is much more acceptable to users than the black box image, which clearly shows how image came about. With Dockerfile, when we need to customize our additional requirements, we just need to add or modify instructions on Dockerfile and regenerate image, saving the trouble of typing commands.

Create the image based on centos7. First pull the image of centos7.

docker pull centos7

dockerfile for mirroring is shown below:

docker pull registry:2.6.0

Compile to create image

docker pull registry:2.6.0

Create a container

The program files and dockerfile are in the same 1 directory

docker create --name octmts3.0 -v/home/docker_oct/data:/home/mynginx/octmts/log -p 50000:50000 -p 50001:50001 -p50002:50002 octmts1.0

Create container + run

docker run -id --net=host --nameoctmts2.0 -v /home/docker_oct/data:/home/mynginx/octmts/log -p 50000:5000octmts1.0

When creating the CentOS7 container and using systemctl to run the service program in the background, we encountered the following problems:


Failed to get D-Bus connection


Solution (This solution is invalid under the host es231EN6.5 system and cannot be handled temporarily) :

docker create --privileged --net=host --nameoctmts3.0 -v /home/docker_oct/data:/home/mynginx/octmts/log -p 50000:50000 -p50001:50001 -p 50002:50002 octmts1.0 /usr/sbin/init


docker run --privileged --net=host -id --nameoctmts3.0 -v /home/docker_oct/data:/home/mynginx/octmts/log -p 50000:5000octmts1.0 /usr/sbin/init

4. Compatibility problem of using private warehouse in CentOS6.5 system

When using the private warehouse in es246EN 6.5 system, the private image of pull failed due to the version problem. Docker 1.7.1 version of pull private image warehouse reported an error, V1, V2, etc. Docker 1.7 and Docker CE have different configuration file locations:

Docker 1.7 /etc/sysconfig/docker

Docker CE version USES/etc docker/daemon json

Using docker 1.7 If you want the mirror in pulldocker registry v2 or harbor, you need to configure insecure-ES278en if the CA certificate is not configured, and you need to add this parameter to the boot parameters of docker daemon. Configuration steps:

1. Docker 1.7 Solutions

1. Configure and save the DOCKER_OPTS parameter

docker pull registry:2.6.0

(2) Modify the launch item

docker pull registry:2.6.0

3 Restart docker and verify the pull function

[root@123 ] # service docker restart

(4) Other methods

Without so much effort, just modify the launcher, the principle and result are the same, and then restart dockerdaemon

docker pull registry:2.6.0

2. Docker CE version

Check for daemon/etc docker directory. json file, if there is no is created, or directly vi etc/docker/daemon json finish modify in: wq.

[root@123 ] # vi /etc/docker/daemon.json

## add


 "registry-mirrors": [""],

 "insecure-registries" : ["ip:port","ip:port"]


Restart the docker service when the addition is complete

service docker restart

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