Details the resolution of the es0EN16.04 launcher icon exception

  • 2020-11-18 06:33:44
  • OfStack

In Ubuntu16.04, when a program is locked to the launcher, it occasionally fails to function properly, or cannot enter Chinese correctly, etc. Here, SQLyog is used as an example to summarize some common problems and solutions.

1. The icon disappears/cannot be started after locking

The configuration file ending with.desktop can be found in ~/.local /share/applications/ folder. In the case of SQLyog, the initial configuration file is as follows:

[Desktop Entry]

Since SQLyog is started with wine, and the configuration of Exec here records the internal execution of wine, the icon that is locked to the launcher will not display properly, and the icon that is clicked on by 2 will not start SQLyog. Change the startup configuration to the following command:

Exec=wine "Z:\\home\\kevinyang\\SQLyog10.2\\SQLyog.exe"

The icon will display normally, and clicking on it will start the program normally.

2. Sogou input method cannot be used

You can try adding these fcitx-related environment variables at startup:

export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
export GTK_IM_MODULE="fcitx"
export QT_IM_MODULE="fcitx"

Take SQLyog as an example, write a startup script as follows:


export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
export GTK_IM_MODULE="fcitx"
wine "Z:\\home\\kevinyang\\SQLyog10.2\\SQLyog.exe"

Use the chmod +x command to give the script permission to execute, then point the Exec configuration to the script in the.desktop file.

Digression: sublime cannot lose Chinese problem is also a frequently asked question, before a lot of blog solutions are complicated, now there is a great god specializes in one script project to solve this problem, click to view sublime - text - imfix project, integrates in the solution before compiling library files, and so on some work, 1 down after direct execution sublime text - imfix script is ok, a friend in need can be a reference, I have turned to use vscode anyway.

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