CentOS6.9 svn quick installation configuration method

  • 2020-11-18 06:33:32
  • OfStack

The example of this paper shares the specific code of CentOS6.9 quick installation and configuration of svn for your reference. The specific content is as follows

Environment Introduction:

Operating System: CentOS release 6.9 (Final) (svn server) (svn client)

1. svn installation inspection (performed on both platforms)

if [ ! -f /usr/bin/svn ]; then
 yum -y install subversion >/dev/null
 echo "svn has been installed." >/dev/null
 /usr/bin/svn --version|head -1|awk -F" " '{print $3}'

2. Create a version library folder (only available on 130)

mkdir -p /data/svn/sinsvn
# Create a version library 
svnadmin create /data/svn/sinsvn
mkdir -p /data/www/sinsvn

3. Main operation

# Import the project you want to manage into the version library repository In the 
svn import /data/www/sinsvn/ file:///data/svn/sinsvn -m "svn first test"
# Check if the import was successful 
svn list --verbose file:///data/svn/sinsvn
# Modify the configuration file for the repository 
# vim /data/svn/sinsvn/conf/svnserve.conf
cat >/data/svn/sinsvn/conf/svnserve.conf <<"EOF"
anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = /data/svn/passwd
authz-db = /data/svn/authz
realm =sinsvn

cp /data/svn/sinsvn/conf/passwd /data/svn
cp /data/svn/sinsvn/conf/authz /data/svn

# Modify user files that allow access to the repository 
# vim /data/svn/passwd
cat >/data/svn/passwd <<"EOF"
harry = harry
sin = sin

# vim /data/svn/authz
cat >/data/svn/authz <<"EOF"
myteam = harry,sin

harry = rw

@myteam = rw

@myteam =r
sin= rw

sin= rw

#  Start the  svn  service 
svnserve -d -r /data/svn/

#  To view 
ps -ef|grep svnserve|grep -v 'grep'
netstat -anltp|grep 3690

4. Test

#  test , On the other 1 Operate on a machine (129) The aim is to be more effective 
# 1 , mkdir -p /data/www
mkdir -p /data/www
cd /data/www/
# 2 , svn co  code 
svn co svn:// --username=harry --password=harry

# 3 , add branches,tags,trunk directory 
cd sinsvn/
mkdir branches
mkdir tags
mkdir trunk

svn add branches trunk tags
svn ci -m 'create branches trunk tags dir'

# 4 And in the trunk Add test files and submit them to the repository 
cd trunk
touch index.php
mkdir class
touch class/conn.php

svn add index.php 
svn add class/


svn ci -m 'test file'

svn delete index.php class class/ index.php
svn ci -m 'delete files'

mkdir webgame
svn add webgame/
svn ci -m 'add webgame dir'

#  Additional operating 
cd webgame
cp /tmp/VMwareTools-10.2.0-7259539.tar.gz .
cp /tmp/yum.log .
svn add *
svn ci -m 'add VMwareTools yum.log for test'

###############  It is assumed that 130 There's one on the machine web project 
mkdir -p /data/webdir
cd /data/webdir
svn co svn:// --username=harry --password=harry

#  Additional operating 
cd /data/webdir/webgame/
svn update 
ll #  You can see the updated results 

5. Script customization updates

#  Regular update script ( A script that updates automatically for the entire directory , Passive mode )
cat >/root/svnauto_update.sh<<"EOF"
cd /data/webdir/webgame/
svn update &>>/tmp/svnauto_update.log

chmod +x /root/svnauto_update.sh
chmod +x /etc/crontab
/etc/init.d/crond restart
#  Added to the crontab On a planned mission 

cat >>/var/spool/cron/root<<"EOF"

# svnauto_update.sh 
* 09-23 * * * /bin/sh /root/svnauto_update.sh

#  Automatic update script ( Trigger updates for the version number )
#svn  Directory: /data/svn/sinsvn
# Site directory: /data/webdir/webgame

# Implementation: 
#1. find svn The project hooks Directory. Here it is /data/svn/sinsvn/hooks . By default there are several hook templates for the corresponding operation in the directory that we need to create 1 a post-commit The file. 
find /data/svn/sinsvn/ -name hooks

#2. new post-commit , which reads as follows 
cat >/data/svn/sinsvn/hooks/post-commit<<"EOF"
export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
echo "Code Deployed at "$1" Committed revision "$2" ; `date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`" >> /tmp/post-commit.log
/usr/bin/svn update --username harry --password harry /data/webdir/webgame >> /tmp/post-commit.log

chmod +x /data/svn/sinsvn/hooks/post-commit

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