Gerrit sets the boot method

  • 2020-10-31 22:04:28
  • OfStack

Method 1

1. Set up gerrit Service startup by following steps:

sudo ln -snf /home/gerrit/review_site/bin/ /etc/init.d/

sduo ln -snf /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc2.d/S90gerrit

sduo ln -snf /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc3.d/S90gerrit

2. Service automatic startup scripts/etc/init d/gerrit sh need through/etc default/gerritcodereview (the declaration is unloaded gerrit. sh script) inside some configuration files to provide 1. The contents of the file are as follows:



3. If it cannot start, you may need to check the permissions

update-rc.d gerrit2 defaults

Method 2

1. When you install gerrit, there will be 1 installation directory

Underneath it is an bin/ file

Copy this file to /etc/ init.d and rename it gerrit

Then use the ES39en-ES40en-ES41en tool. This one can be installed directly by ES42en-ES43en install

Then execute ES47en-ES48en-ES49en, find the 1 line of gerrit, I put 2~5 on X

Then restart the system and there will be corresponding files under /etc/rc*.d. Here is the file S20gerrit

2. Then, when I installed gerrit in general, A new user was created. I put the installation directory under the new user

I did not have write permission under my own user, so I gave that user chmod 777-ES65en

Then in/etc/init d/gerrit script GERRIT_SITE to set 1

In this case, I have modified GERRIT_SITE_1 to the absolute path GERRIT_SITE_1= "/home/gerrit2/gerrit_application_directory"

Then restart, and the service, gerrit, is already started

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