Analysis on the method of yum construction under LNMP environment

  • 2020-09-28 09:17:58
  • OfStack

The example of this paper describes the method of yum under LNMP environment. To share for your reference, the details are as follows:

Today I got the socket extension, which ruined my environment. The posix extension was ruined by me. So I got it from the new one

First yum look at the lnmp environment

Check for the presence of nginx php mysql

Command: which php

If it exists, uninstall it first

yum remove mysql
yum remove php
yum remove nginx

Then look at

rpm -qa|grep -i php

Use the command: rpm -e (Data just found out) --nodeps Forced to delete

with find / -name php Go to see all the files and delete them all (nginx, mysql1 sample)

Use the command: rm -rf (File name)

After the deletion, the installation can be carried out. Again, check whether php nginx mysql is installed

With the command which mysql

Start installing nginx lists the Nginx version

Command: yum list nginx

Installation command: yum install nginx

When a complete! Indicates success

Now let's look at it again

which nginx Let's see if it exists now

So let's start it up and we're going to say 1 es67EN7.0 and then we're not going to use service. The method starts

But with the rpm -qa|grep -i php0 Start the

Command: /bin/systemctl start nginx.service (bin here is my path personal path different, you may not need)

Then check to see if the process is running successfully

ifconfig      # View network card information 

Open the browser:

When you see {nginx welcome screen}, the installation is successful!

Next we will load php (refer to the previous article if you want yum to load 7.0)


yum list php php-fpm # list php  and php-fpm  If there is a 

yum -y install php php-fpm # The installation php  and php-fpm The software package 

Appear Complete! The successful

Start the php - fpm: /bin/systemctl start php-fpm

Modify the nginx configuration file so that PHP requests are forwarded to the ip and port to which php-ES110en is bound:

vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.default # line [65-71]

Remove the # sign:

location ~ \.php$ {
   root /usr/share/nginx/html;
   fastcgi_index index.php;
   fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
   include fastcgi_params;

Code explanation:

When the user's request for URL ends with.php

Then execute the contents of this block:

root specified directory
pass forwarding port [e]
index automatically adds index.php if you specify the end of the directory
param executes the file name passed from the file in documnetRoot
include At home profile [e]

Note: (1) : wq # save (2) i # insert (3) : q! # Exit without saving

According to the number of rows set nu

Restart nginx after wq comes out

Restart nginx: /bin/systemctl restart nginx

Verify that the request PHP file is processed:

vim /usr/share/nginx/html/info.php

Access the test path to see if phpinfo information is displayed.

OK !

Now I start installing Mysql

Check to see if Mysql exists and if so, uninstall first

Command: which mysql

It says no and it's ready to install


The default database of CentOS7 is mariadb, so I decided to change it to mysql, but CentOS7's yum source seems to have no mysql by default. To solve this problem, we need to download the repo source for mysql.

1. Download repo source for mysql

Copy command

$ wget

2. Install mysql-ES200en-ES201en-el7-5. noarch. rpm package

$ sudo rpm -ivh mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm

After installing this package, you get two yum repo sources for mysql

/ etc yum. repos. d/mysql - community. repo,
/ etc yum. repos. d/mysql - community - source. repo.

3. Install mysql

$ sudo yum install mysql-server

Install successfully, test 1

mysql -uroot -p (Default is no password, press enter here)

2. Change your password

Format: mysqladmin-ES243en Username -p Old password password New password

1. Add a password to root ab12.

First under DOS enter the directory mysql\bin, and then type the following command

ifconfig      # View network card information 


Note: Since root did not have a password at the beginning, one item of the old -ES259en password can be omitted.

2. Change the password of root to djg345.

ifconfig      # View network card information 


3. Add new users

Note: Unlike the above, the following commands in MYSQL are followed by a semicolon as the end of the command

Format: grant select on database * to username @ Login host identified by "Password"

Restart to connect to mysql on the local cable

At this point the lamp environment is installed

Hopefully this article has helped you with your Linux server configuration.

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