Detailed steps for YUM local warehouse setup under CentOS 7

  • 2020-06-23 02:22:30
  • OfStack

Detailed steps for YUM local warehouse setup under CentOS 7

Use CentOS7.iso to set up the local warehouse

(1) Copy the CentOS7.iso file to the user's home directory: ~

cp CentOS7.iso ~

(2) Create the directory where the iso file will be hung

mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom 

(3) Hang in the iso file in the directory just created

mount -o loop CentOS7.iso /mnt/cdrom

(4) Create repo file Local.repo and then add the following content to it

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/Local.repo

name=Local Yum 

PS: There is no need to create index files using createrepo because the index files in ISO are already created in the repodata folder

Create a custom local YUM source

In this way, we have collected 1 RPM packages, and we want to make the RPM packages into our own YUM warehouse, which is convenient for offline installation and very flexible.

(1) Create the local warehouse directory, for example, I (root) create local directory in the home directory

mkdir /root/local

(2) Move all the sorted RPM packages to this directory

mv *.rpm /root/local

(3) createrepo installation

yum -y install createrepo

(3) Use createrepo to create indexes

createrepo /root/local

(4) Create repo file

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/Local.repo 

 Enter the following 

name=Local Yum 

At this point, the local repository has been created in both of the above ways, and all you need to do is update the cache

yum makecache 

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