How to solve the problem that Docker occupies the full mark area under Linux system

  • 2020-06-19 12:04:34
  • OfStack

I encountered a problem today. When accessing the database, I found that I could not access it and the storage space was not enough. Then I entered the command:

df -h

found /dev/vda1 The system disk is full. Not full-time operation and maintenance, so, began to solve the problem baidu. Here is the solution path:

The first is to find the large file storage location by command du -sh /* When I found some directories, I found that some directories were very large, such as /var.

Then confirm the partition, df /var , found the partition of this directory is /dev/vda1 So I go into this directory and I start deleting things. I started deleting a lot of logs, but it didn't work, so I used the command again: du -sh * ;

in /var Found in directory /lib/docker The folder footprint is the largest, so you know what the problem is, docker's image and container are placed in the directory by default /var/lib/docker Below, occupy 6.6G;

The next problem is understood, which is to solve the problem that docker takes up too much space. Therefore, the first idea of 1 is to remove the unnecessary containers and mirrors, but unfortunately, the space is not reduced. So, I started the second idea, which was to export the image and container I needed, but even more tragically, there was not enough space to export...

Because mirror image is done for a long time, so do not want to give up easily. After thinking for a long time, I finally came up with an idea. Remove the /var/lib/docker folder, and then reset the docker data store location.

Steps are as follows (CentOS) :

/etc/init.d/docker stop #  Shut down docker
mv /var/lib/docker /home/docker #  Out of docker The data ( home The directory is not mounted on the system disk. At this point, the system disk problem is resolved 

Then set docker to be the data storage location, edit /etc/sysconfig/docker file, add -ES41en parameter Settings, as follows:

other_args="-g /home/docker"

Start the docker

/etc/init.d/docker start

So that's it.

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