Common Docker basic commands and usage summary

  • 2020-05-24 06:28:38
  • OfStack

View the docker installation information

docker info

Get the docker image

docker pull azraelrabbit/monupw

Create the docker container

docker run --name monojexus -d -p 32022:22 -p 32080:80 -v /mydata:/data azraelrabbit/monupw

Run the docker container as a back-end process

sample_job=$(docker run -d monojexus /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo Docker; sleep 1; done")

Use the docker logs command to view the current state of job

docker logs $sample_job

View docker common commands using docker help

docker help

Stop the background container for sample_job

docker top $sample_job

Use the command to restart the background container

docker restart $sample_job

Stop and remove the container

docker top $sample_job docker rm $sample_job

Save the container state as an image

docker commit $sample_job job1.1

View the image that the machine already has

docker pull azraelrabbit/monupw0

The mirror to find

docker search <image-namge>

View the historical version of the mirror

docker history <image-name>

Push the mirror to the mirror repository

docker push <image-name>

The format of the library name


View the version number of docker, including client, server, dependent Go, and so on

docker version

By default, container is running

docker ps

Displays the container that was created the last time, including the ones that were not run

docker ps �l

Displays all container, including unrun ones

docker ps �a  

View the log of container, which is the output of executing the command

docker logs <container>  

Delete 1 or more container

docker rm <container...>

Delete all container

docker rm `docker ps -a -q`

Delete all container

docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm  

Delete 1 or more image

docker rmi <image...>

Start/stop/restart container

docker start/stop/restart <container>

Start one container and enter interactive mode

docker start -i <container>

attach1 running container

docker attach <container>

Use image to create container, execute the appropriate command, and then stop

docker run <image> <command>

Use image to create container and enter interactive mode. login shell is /bin/bash

docker run -i -t <image> /bin/bash

Map the port of container to the port of the host

docker run -i -t -p <host_port:contain_port>

Solidify 1 container into a new image, repo:tag is optional

sample_job=$(docker run -d monojexus /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo Docker; sleep 1; done")0

Look for the Dockerfile configuration file named under the path path and use this configuration to generate a new image

sample_job=$(docker run -d monojexus /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo Docker; sleep 1; done")1

As above, you can specify repo and the optional tag

sample_job=$(docker run -d monojexus /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo Docker; sleep 1; done")2

Using the specified dockerfile configuration file, docker gets the content as stdin, and a new image is generated using this configuration

docker build - < <dockerfile>

To see which port locally maps to the specified port of container, you can also see it with docker ps

docker port <container> <container port> 

Change hostname

#docker run -it --hostname web jim/custom1 /bin/bash

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