In XenServer6.0 the virtual machine is set to start automatically

  • 2020-05-17 07:03:54
  • OfStack


It is well known that in earlier versions of XenServer (prior to 6.0), when you started XenServer, you had the option of automatically starting the virtual machine installed in it. This feature was disabled by Citrix in XenServer 6.0 because it would interfere with the compatibility of HA (high availability) and Failover (failover) functions in XenServer. However, if you only run one XenServer, this is still pretty good.

In XenServer 6.0, it is still possible to start the virtual machine automatically. This requires you to enable self-booting on "Pool Level" and use the command line on the virtual machine that needs to be self-booting.

1. Get UUID of Pool

Enter the following command on the console command line and press enter:

xe pool-list

The results then look like this:

uuid ( RO)        : b99e3b3f-ea7a-9484-4827-87271b4b016b
     name-label ( RW): TestPool
  name-description ( RW):
       master ( RO): 74fc086b-8c89-4918-b69e-369fcb19847d
     default-SR ( RW): bebb142a-d986-acac-d4f4-636de937d28b
 The above." b99e3b3f-ea7a-9484-4827-87271b4b016b "Is Pool the UUID

2. Set Pool to self-boot

Copy this UUID and type the following command and press enter:

xe pool-param-set uuid=b99e3b3f-ea7a-9484-4827-87271b4b016b other-config:auto_poweron=true

3. Get UUID for the virtual machine that needs to be set to self-boot

Take the virtual machine named "W2K08" as an example. Enter the following command and press enter:

xe vm-list name-label="W2K08" 

The results are similar to the following:

uuid ( RO)      : 5ac81c4e-3d4c-bd70-355e-d1a1c2d7716d
   name-label ( RW): W2K08
  power-state ( RO): running

By the famous can be called "W2K08" virtual machine UUID is: 5 ac81c4e - 3 d4c - e - d1a1c2d7716d bd70-355

【 description 】

If you want to get a summary result (that is, you only want to output UUD), you can use the following command:

xe vm-list name-label="W2K08" params=uuid --minimal

4. Set the virtual machine to start

Copy the UUID of the virtual machine from the output in "3" above, enter the following command and press enter:

xe vm-param-set uuid=5ac81c4e-3d4c-bd70-355e-d1a1c2d7716d other-config:auto_poweron=true

After the four steps above, you are done with the self-booting of the virtual machine in XenServer 6.0.


The above is the method of setting up XenServer virtual machine to start automatically. I hope the content of this article can help you to learn or use XenServer. If you have any questions, you can leave a message to communicate.

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