The php redis extension supports the scan command implementation method

  • 2020-05-17 07:01:25
  • OfStack

At the time of use ali cloud kvstore, first is to belong to public beta, not to collect fees, then to make business model, to put a price on $8 an hour, it's too expensive, so the thought of delete some useless data, but the data quantity is too big, not use keys * to match (using keys * will direct your redis jammed), late awareness of scan can find all the cursor keys, then began to modify (I found a lot of rubbish)..

Dry open..

[codesyntax lang="python"]

# git clone
# cd phpredis
# /opt/php/bin/phpize 
# ./configure --with-php-config=/opt/php/bin/php-config 
# make && make install


Note your own php installation path

Restart the php-fpm program, it's done...

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