win2008 IIS7 without suffix URL deployment problem MVC4 MVC URL mapping

  • 2020-05-14 05:42:19
  • OfStack

Both the preface and the middle paragraph are my process and thinking method of finding problems. Those who are not interested can skip the following problems and solutions directly.


Problems occurred in the site, after the completion of the deployment to the server. Thought that this is the easiest work. As a result of the tragedy. windows server 2008 R2 IIS7 of unrecognized no suffix URL redirection. Crazy looking for online. Many people will say the problem is common online information a lot. It's not. Today I'm going to give you the most official solution to the problem.

End of bullshit. Question first. I searched a lot and found a few questions.
First, the solutions provided are all old. Many websites just copy each other. Most of the pictures are gone.
Second, most of the pictures with pictures are those of IIS6.
Third, the most embarrassing is this. All the data is to add a * asterisk mapping, it seems to solve the problem. But there are a lot of sequelae. For example, when you really need to access the most after the file will go wrong.
Fourth, I feel as if this method is a copycat. Since microsoft has made MVC into a style without suffix, doesn't microsoft provide its own method?
So I through unremitting search. In the official website. Found a foreigner of the same problem. Below get the official solution.


After the development of Microsoft MVC4, the URL address is a page obtained by redirection, so there is no suffix. IIS cannot be recognized.


Microsoft has long offered an official solution to the problem but few people in China seem to know about it (or perhaps many people know that the problem is too simple for everyone to be happy about Posting it on the Internet).
An official patch was provided to handle URL without suffixes
Download address: http: / / support microsoft. com/kb / 980368
Download the installation server directly. Restart it once. Ok, now you don't need to add any mapping. Your IIS7 can also support non-suffix-free redirection page

The end:
The solution of the problem is very simple to download a patch and install it. The problem of the disdain pass by. Don't say I am too stupid. I just want to share with you some I actually encountered but not very easy to find the answer to the problem.
If it is helpful to you, please give me a reply. It is a great motivation for me.

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