The Nginx server restricts access to IP in all cases

  • 2020-05-14 05:33:23
  • OfStack

Limit the number of times an IP can be accessed in the same time period

How to set up a way to limit the number of times you can access an IP at a certain time period is a headache, especially in the face of a malicious ddos attack. Among them, CC attack (Challenge Collapsar) is one kind of DDOS (distributed denial of service), and it is also a common website attack method. The attacker constantly sends a large number of data packets to the victim host through proxy server or chicken, causing the other server to run out of resources until 1.

cc attack 1 generally USES a limited number of ip to frequently send data to the server to achieve the purpose of attack. nginx can prevent cc attack by limiting the access times of ip in the same time period through HttpLimitReqModul and HttpLimitZoneModule configuration.

A module used to limit the number of connections per unit of time, HttpLimitReqModul is used in conjunction with the limit_req_zone and limit_req instructions to achieve this limit. A 503 error is returned when more than a specified number of concurrent connections are made.

HttpLimitConnModul is used to limit the number of concurrent connections for a single ip, using the limit_zone and limit_conn directives

The difference between the two modules is that the first one is the limit on the number of connections in a period of time, and the second one is the limit on the number of connections in the same period of time

HttpLimitReqModul restricts access to a number of instances with 1ip for a certain period of time

  # define 1 called allips the limit_req_zone Used to store session , the size is 10M Memory, 
  # In order to $binary_remote_addr  for key, Limit the average request per second to 20 A, 
  #1M It can store 16000 A state, rete Must be an integer, 
  # If you limit it to two seconds 1 Can be set to 30r/m
  limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=allips:10m rate=20r/s;
    location {
      # Limiting each ip Not exceeding per second 20 Four requests, number of barrels missed burst for 5
      #brust I mean, if I have no 1 Second, 2,3,4 A second request for 19 A, 
      # The first 5 The second request is 25 One is allowed. 
      # But if you do 1 seconds 25 One request, one 2 Seconds more than 20 Request return 503 Error. 
      #nodelay , if this option is not set and the average rate is strictly used to limit the number of requests, 
      # The first 1 seconds 25 When I make a request, 5 Put the request in the first 2 Second, 
      # Set up the nodelay . 25 The request will be in the first 1 Second is carried out. 
      limit_req zone=allips burst=5 nodelay;

HttpLimitZoneModule limits the number of instances of concurrent connections

limit_zone can only be defined in the http scope, and limit_conn can be defined in the http server location scope

  # define 1 called one the limit_zone, The size of the 10M Memory to store session . 
  # In order to $binary_remote_addr  for key
  #nginx 1.18 After use limit_conn_zone To replace the limit_conn
  # And it can only be placed http scope 
  limit_conn_zone  one $binary_remote_addr 10m;
    location {
      limit_conn one 20;     # Connection limit 
      # Bandwidth limitations , The limit for a single connection, if 1 a ip Two connections 500x2k
      limit_rate 500k;     

The server is all limited IP

#vi nginx.conf
  deny all;

Specify IP access restrictions for directories

Implement key

The use of () and | in regular expressions, () represents 1 principle, and | represents or
In the nginx location matching rule, there is a regular match in the order of files (ps: you can place the directory to be matched at the beginning of the server module).
The use of allow and deny

The sample
The directory structure

 The root directory /srv/
test1 / --  hello.php
test2/  --  hello.php
test3/  --  hello.php
test4/  --  {hello.php,1.php,2.php}

Access requirements
For the test1 and test2 directories, only the specified address is allowed to access, and no other ip access is allowed
For php programs in other directories, all ip addresses are accessible

Implement the nginx configuration file

  # The specified directory is whitelist accessible  
  location ~ ^/(test1|test2)/ { 
    deny all; 
    root /srv/;  
    fastcgi_param  HTTPS  on; 
      include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;  
      fastcgi_pass  php5_fpm; 
    # proxy the PHP scripts to fpm 
    location ~ \.php$ { 
    root /srv/;  
    fastcgi_param  HTTPS  on; 
      include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;  
      fastcgi_pass  php5_fpm; 

Matters needing attention:
1. deny 1 must be added with one ip; otherwise, it will jump directly to 403 and not be executed. If the default page of 403 is under the same domain name, it will cause an endless cycle of access.
2. ip segment of allow
Order from small to large from the accessible bits, such as, to
24 represents the subnet mask :
16 represents the subnet mask :
8 represents the subnet mask :
3. deny all; The ending indicates that everything except allow above is prohibited
Such as:

  deny;           allow;           allo w;           allow;           deny all; 

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