The apache2.2 solution could not be started on the local computer

  • 2020-05-14 05:24:53
  • OfStack

1, open UltraEdit open httpd.conf file search "ServerAdmin "changed to "#ServerAdmin", save exit
2. Enter the system service and start Apache2 service
3. [start]-- > [program] - > [Apache HTTP Server 2.2.4]-- > [Control Apache Server]-- > [Start]
4, open the browser, enter http://localhost, press enter, you will see "It Works! "

Indicate that the problem has been successfully solved

This is the reply of a good man, I saved it, I hope it can be helpful to you

This is the solution to the prompt "cannot start apache 2.2 on the local computer,"

I don't have any other solutions that can't start apache.

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