The Apache server could not start on the Windows system

  • 2020-05-14 05:23:46
  • OfStack

As for the problem that apache failed to start mainly due to port 80, let's take a look at the handling method of port occupation in port 1

Solution: 1: run netstat-ano under dos

2: open the command interface at xampp control panel midpoint setup,

3: select 6 enable mob_perl

4: restart xampp, now running http://localhost should work properly

The third situation is the problem that some net friends encounter:

There was a problem binding to the port and the required port was not bound

This is where you can follow the instructions in error.log to exit the port holding program, which should enable apache.

But starting those programs can be a mistake again


You can check directly from the cmd command line to see if a program is occupying the port

1. Run cmd, enter netstat-ano, enter;
2. Look at the pid at the end of the first few lines that contain the port.
3. Start "task manager" -- "process" and tick the box before "toolbar" -- "select column";
4. Then find out which program is corresponding to the pid, and it will be easy to find out that it is bound to this port (bind);

The reason why the branch port is occupied

In the environment of windows, xampp and apache often fail to start properly

One is because the port number is occupied

It is suggested here that the default port number of iis, thunderbolt and other tools is 80 like apache1

Solution: at this point, apache can be started normally by modifying the port number in the httpd.conf file in the apache/conf/ directory

There are two changes that need to be made


  #listen [::]:80
  listen 80


servername localhost:80

The second situation is the problem I have

iis, thunderbolt and other tools are not started, while apache just cannot be started. Other integrated tools such as mysql tutorial can be enabled normally in xampp

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