Using ngxtop to achieve nginx real time access to data statistics

  • 2020-05-10 23:16:29
  • OfStack

For the real-time access data statistics of nginx, the access situation of web server can be monitored by ngxtop. ngxtop allows you to parse NGINX's access log (access log) in real time and output useful information like top.

ngxtop is the python script installation package, which requires python support.

For python packages and library files, we like pip management as much as we do, but those without installation can:

python # The installation pip python Package management tool 
pip install ngxtop # Download and install ngxtop


ngxtop -l /usr/local/nginx/logs/access.log

Displays the most requested ip and request

ngxtop -t 1 -l /var/log/nginx/access.log top remote_addr request

Use help:

  ngxtop [options]
  ngxtop [options] (print|top|avg|sum) <var>
  ngxtop info

  -l <file>, --access-log <file> access log file to parse.
  -f <format>, --log-format <format> log format as specify in log_format directive.
  --no-follow ngxtop default behavior is to ignore current lines in log
           and only watch for new lines as they are written to the access log.
           Use this flag to tell ngxtop to process the current content of the access log instead.
  -t <seconds>, --interval <seconds> report interval when running in follow mode [default: 2.0]
  -g <var>, --group-by <var> group by variable [default: request_path]
  -w <var>, --having <expr> having clause [default: 1]
  -o <var>, --order-by <var> order of output for default query [default: count]
  -n <number>, --limit <number> limit the number of records included in report for top command [default: 10]
  -a <exp> ..., --a <exp> ... add exp (must be aggregation exp: sum, avg, min, max, etc.) into output
  -v, --verbose more verbose output
  -d, --debug print every line and parsed record
  -h, --help print this help message.
  --version print version information.
  Advanced / experimental options:
  -c <file>, --config <file> allow ngxtop to parse nginx config file for log format and location.
  -i <filter-expression>, --filter <filter-expression> filter in, records satisfied given expression are processed.
  -p <filter-expression>, --pre-filter <filter-expression> in-filter expression to check in pre-parsing phase.

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