ZendOptimizer.MemoryBase@NETWORK SERVICE solution to the problem

  • 2020-05-10 23:15:31
  • OfStack

Log prompt

A description of the event ID (2) could not be found (in the resource Zend Optimizer). The local computer may not have the necessary registration information or message DLL files to display messages from the remote computer. You may be able to retrieve the word description using the /AUXSOURCE= identifier; See help and support for details. The following information is part 1 of the event: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ ZendOptimizer. MemoryBase @NETWORK SERVICE@262916123, the system could not find the specified file.
A description of the event ID (487) could not be found (in the resource Zend Optimizer). The local computer may not have the necessary registration information or message DLL files to display messages from the remote computer. You might use the /AUXSOURCE= identifier to retrieve the word description; See help and support for details. The following information is part 1 of the event: Unable to view file mapping, attempt to access invalid address.

From the Internet to search N possibilities and solutions

Solution 1:

1. Modify the access rights of C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ directory so that Zend can modify the directory
Just add write permissions for IIS_WPG and Network Service
2. The file may not be found under C:\WINDOWS\temp\ by creating a new file named ZendOptimizer.MemoryBase@SYSTEM and ZendOptimizer.MemoryBase @NETWORK SERVICE (if there are none)
3. php.ini file upload_tmp_dir = "c:\windows\temp\" (note = space on both sides)
4. It is also possible that IIS does not have access to the ZEND directory, so add IIS_WPG access to the C:\Program Files\ ZendOptimizer-2.6.2 \lib\ AUXSOURCE-2.6.2 \lib\ ZendExtensionManager.dll file and IIS_WPG (note that different versions may have different paths)

There are three solutions:

One is to remove eAccelerator from php.ini and restart IIS and Mysql services.
The second is to add an "extension= php_yaz.dll "extension to php.ini, you must enable it, then restart the IIS and Mysql services, OK problem solving...
The third is to modify the access rights of the c: WINDOWS\temp\ directory so that Zend can modify the directory.


1. Modify the access rights of the C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ directory so that Zend can modify the directory
1 generally add write permissions for IIS_WPG and Network Service
2. The file may not be found under C:\WINDOWS\temp\ by creating a new file named ZendOptimizer.MemoryBase @SYSTEM and ZendOptimizer.MemoryBase @NETWORK SERVICE (if none is available)
3. php.ini file upload_tmp_dir = "c:\windows\temp\" (note = space on both sides)
4. It is also possible that IIS does not have the permissions to read ZEND, so C:\Program \ Optimizer-2.6.2 \lib\ Optimizer-2.6.2 \ IIS_WPG to read C:\ lib\ Program \ ZendOptimizer-2.6.2 \ WPG to read IIS_WPG (note that different versions may have different paths)

c:\Program Files\zend
administrators  The accused 
system  The accused 
service  The accused 
users Read and run, list folder directory, read 
Administrator  All permissions 
System  All permissions 
users  All permissions 

Another way of saying it

It has nothing to do with extension. This error indicates that ZendOptimizer cannot set up Shared memory, usually due to permission issues. It is recommended that you comment out the ZendOptimizer section and see which paths TEMP and TMP are in phpinfo() which outputs Environment, and make sure that both directories are writable to everyone (especially TMP, since ZendOptimizer USES TMP instead of TEMP).
Also, use an PHP script to create a new ZendOptimizer.SharedMemoryArea@UserName file in the TMP directory to test that the TMP directory is actually writable.

The result of the later experiments is

The error of event ID (2) did not appear again, but the error of event ID (2487) still exists. I really do not know what the possibility is. I hope that some friends who have solved the problem will also let me know.

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