win2008 r2 x64 hard way to configure iis sharing

  • 2020-05-09 19:43:36
  • OfStack

Summer vacation, finally decided to enable win2008, after the above crack, configuration, iis finally installed. Put the blog program on the machine and fumble with the configuration. Here's how it worked:
1. After being configured, I found that URLRewriter.dll could not run smoothly. Better to change "application pool" to "classic" and the problem should be solved.
[note:] the integrated address pool can also be used, with 1 HttpModule configured in web.config:

< httpModules >
< add name="ModuleRewriter" type="URLRewriter.ModuleRewriter, URLRewriter" / >
< /httpModules >

This was discovered later.

2, in iis6. 0, you can configure the virtual directory cannot read, but with the program will write to the directory, in iis7, unexpectedly has no this option, groping for a long time, found that establishing virtual directory, should follow the following methods: select 【 application 】 "virtual directory" - double-click the "handler mapping" - "edit function permissions there read, script (execute) 】 【", then cancelled, the reading is ok.

3, the access speed is very slow, debugging for almost a few hours, is about to give up, try to shut down the firewall, the problem was solved. Well, the situation is still being tested.

4. When loading filter uuauth, "failed to use LoadLibraryEx, in ISAPI filter..." appears. Finally, try putting the dll file under the directory, and then in the application address pool -- advanced Settings, set "enable 32-bit applications" to True.
Load the filter again, and ok is already there.

5, the default page problem, with a directory can only have one kind of the same page, if you want to set a different default page, you must use a different page.

Oh, so hard ah, these days I am going to move my blog to win2008.

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