KLOXO reset administrator login password method share

  • 2020-05-06 12:05:57
  • OfStack

It is possible to lose the default Kloxo administrator (admin) password for some reason while using Kloxo. If you unfortunately lose the default administrator password for Kloxo, there is no way to access the Kloxo administration panel. The Kloxo development team was designed with this in mind, by reserving a way for users to reset their default administrator password if they lost it.

Note that to reset the Kloxo administrator password, you must log in to the server via SSH. This requires some knowledge of Linux and related commands, and familiarity with how to connect to the server through SSH. However, don't worry too much, please follow the instructions in this tutorial and enter the relevant commands in turn.  

Solution: log in VPS with putty, then look at the following two commands and type

1. Log in to your server
via SSH
2. Run the following command in turn:

cd /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs 
lphp.exe ../bin/common/resetpassword.php master jb51.net 

After setting up, we can log back into the KLOXO panel and log in with the reset password (jb51.net).

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