linux under Vps automatically backup web and mysql database scripts

  • 2020-05-06 12:02:10
  • OfStack

You have to worry about everything with Vps, and so do backups. Backup services like Linode cost $5 a month. Instead of spending the five dollars, I'd rather feed myself. Dropbox is installed for the service, and the synchronization service is set to start at 4:00-6:00 every day. Two scripts were run to automatically back up the web folder and mysql database.
Both scripts backup the files to /root/Dropbox/backup directory and automatically delete the backup that was 10 days old. An web backup is a weekly backup that removes backups up to 30 days old.

1. Back up WEB folder

1. Backup /home/users/public_html directory
2. Modify crontab to run
at 3:22 on the first day of the week
22 3 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly 

3. Copy the script to /etc/ cron.weekly directory
4. Modify permission
chmod 0755 /etc/cron.weekly/ 

5. The script is
filename=`date +%Y%m%d` 
#delete all files 10 days ago 
find $backup_dir -mtime +30 -name "*" -exec rm -rf {} \; 
#each user you want backup 
users="baidu sina" 
for user in ${users}; do 
tar zcvf $backup_dir/$user$filename.tar.gz /home/$user/public_html 

6. Note that the filename sentence is not a single quote, it is above the tab key,
7. Fill the public_html directory of the user to be backed up into users

database daily
1. For security, create a new user backup with a strong password (which can be generated automatically). The global permission is select,lock tables
2. Start execution at 3:00 every day and modify crontab
3. Copy the script to /etc/ cron.daily
4. Modify permission
5. Script content
datas="db1 db2 db3" 
filename=`date +%Y%m%d` 
#delete all files 10 days ago 
find $backup_dir -mtime +10 -name "*" -exec rm -rf {} \; 
#Do each database backup 
for data in ${datas}; do 
$bin_dir/mysqldump --opt -u$dbuser -p$dbpassword $data | gzip > $backup_dir/$data$filename.sql.gz 

is the same as article 6 above 7. Fill in datas
for the database to be backed up
3. Feel

Since it is all in the us, it is very fast to backup to dropbox. A 10M file is backed up to dropbox.
If traffic is tight, you can also set dropbox to run weekly, every 5 days, etc. Should be required to set the backup cycle, or used in combination.

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