Method to change the port range in IIS FTP PASV mode

  • 2020-05-06 12:01:11
  • OfStack

If this property is specified, FTP validates from 5001 to 65535. To limit the size of this oversize port, use the IIS management utility Adsutil.vbs.
cd c:\Inetpub\AdminScripts
Es7en.vbs set /MSFTPSVC/PassivePortRange "89900-8909" (example: open 10 specified ports)
Restart FTP service
Note: if the firewall is turned on, you must also add the above port.

Attachment: Adsutil.vbs common syntax
for directory access C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > chaccess.vbs -a w3svc/1/ROOT -verbose
Usage: chaccess < --ADSPath|-a ADSPATH > Control configuration path
[--computer |-c COMPUTER1[,COMPUTER2...]] specify the machine name, IP is also available.
[+read |-read] home directory read permissions
[+write |-write] write permission
in the home directory [+s cript |-s cript] the execute permissions under the home directory are pure script
[+****ute|-****ute] the execution permissions under the home directory are script and executable
[+browse |-browse] directory browsing permissions
under the home directory [--verbose |-v] current version
Displays the properties and status information for the specified path
C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > dispnode help
Usage: dispnode < --ADSPath|-a ADS PATH OF NODE > [--help|-h]
ADS PATH - The Path of the node to be displayed
Example 1: dispnode - a IIS: / / LocalHost w3svc displays the current
IIS main attributes 2: Example dispnode - adspath IIS: / / MachineName/w3svc / 1
according to current state of the site information Find the named Web and display the node number, description, hostname, port, and IP address
C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > findweb
Web Site Number = 1
Web Site Des cription = default Web site
Hostname =
Port = 80
IP Address =
C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > findweb
Web Site Number = 2
Web Site Des cription =
Hostname =
Port = 80
IP Address =
Displays the specified site path management tree
C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > disptree.vbs help
Usage: disptree [--ADSPath |-a ROOT NODE] specifies the path
to display the management tree [--NoRecurse|-n]
Create WEB virtual site
C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > mkw3site help
Unknown argument help
Usage: mkw3site < --RootDirectory|-r ROOT DIRECTORY > Website pathname
< --Comment|-t SERVER COMMENT > The WEB website identifies
[--computer|-c COMPUTER1[,COMPUTER2...]]
[--port |-o PORT NUM] port
[--IPAddress |-i IP ADDRESS]IP address
[--HostName |-h HOST NAME] host name
[--SiteNumber|-n SITENUMBER]
[--DontStart] does not start
Creates a virtual directory
for the specified site C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > mkwebdir.vbs help
Usage: mkwebdir [--computer |-c COMPUTER1,COMPUTER2] specifies the server name
< --website|-w WEBSITE1 > Specify the virtual site name
< --virtualdir|-v NAME1,PATH1,NAME2,PATH2,... > Specify the virtual directory name and directory file address
Example : mkwebdir -c MyComputer -w "Default Web Site"
-v "dir1","c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dir1","dir2","c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dir2"
Suspend IIS service
for a specified site C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > pausesrv help
Usage: pausesrv < --ADSPath|-a server1[,server2,server3...] >
[--computer|-c COMPUTER1[,COMPUTER2...]]
Example 1: pausesrv -a w3svc/1,msftpsvc/2
Example 2: pauseftp -c MACHINE1,MACHINE2,MACHINE3 -a w3svc/1,msftpsvc/2
Restore the suspended site to IIS service
C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > contsrv.vbs help
Usage: contsrv < --ADSPath|-a server1[,server2,server3...] >
[--computer|-c COMPUTER1[,COMPUTER2...]]
Example 1: contsrv -a w3svc/1,msftpsvc/2
Example 2: contsrv -c MACHINE1,MACHINE2,MACHINE3 -a w3svc/1,msftpsvc/2
as above pauseftp.vbs suspends
server service FTP contftp.vbs resumes the suspended FTP service
pauseweb.vbs suspends Web server service
contweb.vbs resumes suspended WWW service
Stop IIS server service
for the specified site C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > stopsrv.vbs -a w3svc/2
Start the IIS server service
for the specified site C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > startsrv.vbs -a w3svc/2
Stop WEB server service
for the specified site C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > startweb.vbs -a w3svc/2
Start the Web server service
for the specified site C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > stopweb.vbs -a 2
The usage is the same as above
stopftp. vbs discontinues FTP server service
startftp.vbs starts FTP server service
Trace the execution of the script
C:\Inetpub\Admins cripts > synciwam.vbs -h
Usage: cs cript synciwam.vbs [-v|-h]
-v verbose: trace ****ution of the s cript
-h help: print this message

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