phpredis recommends of to improve the real time performance of message queues

  • 2020-05-15 02:30:33
  • OfStack

The database stores are all in list form and you have to store two queues one for the message queue to store the data and one for the real-time reading of the data at redis

 $redis->lpush($queenkey, json_encode($array));
    $redis->lpush($listkey, json_encode($array));

/* message queue instance */

public function insertinfo()
    $infos = array('info1' => mt_rand(10,100), 'info2' => mt_rand(10,100));
    $this->insertinfos($infos, 'tutorial-list','tutoriallist');

 public function insertinfos($array, $queenkey,$listkey)
    // Locally connected  Redis  service 
    $redis = new \Redis();
    $redis->connect('', 6379);
    // Store data in a list 
    $redis->lpush($queenkey, json_encode($array));
    $redis->lpush($listkey, json_encode($array));


Read logic when redis key is gone read the database and then re-write list to read redis data if it is available

 /* Read the instance */

  public function getinfo()
    $sql = 'select * from mobantestinfo';
    $result = $this->getinfos('tutoriallist', $sql);

    //redis key Don't empty   Directly read redis
      // Locally connected  Redis  service 
      $redis = new \Redis();
      $redis->connect('', 6379);
      //  Get the stored data and output it 
      $result = $redis->lrange('tutoriallist', 0, -1);
      foreach ($result as $k=>$v){
  function getinfos($key, $sql)
    // Locally connected  Redis  service 
    $redis = new \Redis();
    $redis->connect('', 6379);

    //  Get the stored data 
    $result = $redis->lrange($key, 0, 1);

    if (empty($result)) {
      $VModel = new HuanShanVoteModel();
      $result = $VModel->query($sql);

      // Re-place the form of the cache queue into the database 
       foreach ($result as $k=>$v){
      // This is going to be inserted from the right   To ensure that you follow the database in order 1 sample 
    } else {


    return $result;

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