PHP automatically selects whether to connect to a local or remote database

  • 2020-03-31 21:25:50
  • OfStack

Mysql. Class. PHP file (link: #)

//Contains the Mysql action class
include_once 'Mysql.class.php'; 
//Local mysql data
$mysql_local_data = array('db_host'=>'localhost', 
//Remote mysql data
$mysql_remote_data = array('db_host'=>'', 
//Public data
$tb_prefix = 'php95_'; 
$db_charset = 'UTF-8'; 
//A successful local connection instantiates the local Mysql class, otherwise connect to the remote database and instantiate the Mysql class
if (@mysql_connect($mysql_local_data[db_host], $mysql_local_data[db_user], $mysql_local_data[db_pass])) 
$db = new Mysql($db_host, $mysql_local_data[db_user], $mysql_local_data[db_pass], $mysql_local_data[db_name], $db_charset, $conn); 
$db = new Mysql($mysql_remote_data[db_host], $mysql_remote_data[db_user], $mysql_remote_data[db_pass], $mysql_remote_data[db_name], $db_charset, $conn); 
$db->show_tables(); //Test: displays all the table names under the current database

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