Microshield PHP script encryption expert PHP decryption algorithm

  • 2020-03-31 21:20:49
  • OfStack

* Wei dong PHP Encryption expert decryption algorithm  By : Neeao 

$filename="play-js.php";//The file to be decrypted
$lines = file($filename);//0 line

//The first base64 decryption
//Find the key in the content after the first base64 decryption
//Find the length of the string to intercept
//Intercepts encrypted text from a file
//echo $Secret; 

//Restore the ciphertext output directly
echo "<?phpn".base64_decode(strtr($Secret,$decode_key,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'))."?>"; 

Microshield PHP script cracking
function get_filetree($path){ 
$tree = array(); 
foreach(glob($path . '/*') as $single){ 
$tree = array_merge($tree,get_filetree($single)); 
} else { 
$tree[] = $single; 
return $tree; 
function eval_decode($File) 
$Lines = file($File); 
if(preg_match("/O0O0000O0('.*')/", $Lines[1], $S)){ 
$Content = str_replace("O0O0000O0('", "", $S[0]); 
$Content = str_replace("')", "", $Content); 
$Content = base64_decode($Content); 
} else { 
return "file not encode!"; 
if(preg_match("/),'.*',/", $Content, $K)){ 
$Key = str_replace("),'", "", $K[0]); 
$Key = str_replace("',", "", $Key); 
} else { 
return "not decode key!"; 
if(preg_match("/,d*),/", $Content, $K)){ 
$Length = str_replace("),", "", $K[0]); 
$Length = str_replace(",", "", $Length); 
} else { 
return "not decode base64 string!"; 
$Secret = substr($Lines[2], $Length); 
$Decode = "<?php".base64_decode(strtr($Secret,$Key,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/')) ."?>"; 
file_put_contents($File, $Decode); 
return "file decode success!"; 

$filelist = get_filetree("D:/PHPnow/htdocs/1"); 
foreach($filelist as $value){ 
echo $value." :tt".eval_decode($value) . "nr<br>"; 

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