Learn PHP note string handling

  • 2020-03-31 21:09:02
  • OfStack

The substr ();

Substr (STR, start and length);

Example: substr(' PHP is very good language',4,5);

The output is is ve;

When start> The length of STR is returned as ();

Substr (' PHP is very good language',26,5);

Substr (' PHP is very good language',4);

Output as (blank)

The output is is v (indicating that both start and langth are 4)

When start is negative, start reading from the end of STR (* starts reading from -1 instead of 0),

Substr (' PHP is very good language',-4,5);

The output is uage

When length is negative, length represents reading from the end, intercepting the end of STR.

Substr (' PHP is very good language',4,-5);

The output is very good LAN

Limit () splits the function string into an array;

Strrev () takes the function string

Setlocalhost (content location) setlocalhost(content location) setlocalhost(content location) setlocalhost(content location)

LC_ALL, all subordinate constants
LC_COLLATE sorted order
LC_CTYPE font classification and conversion (e.g., convert all characters to lowercase or uppercase)
LC_MESSAGES system message format
LC_MONETARY: currency/currency format
LC_NUMERIC numeric format
LC_TIME, date and time format
); Location, set the country region, for example, CHS.

Strftime () formats the local time/date according to locale Settings.

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