The code that encrypts a PHP file using bcompiler

  • 2020-03-31 21:05:25
  • OfStack


// load function
Include_once (' phpCodeZip. PHP);
// create the encrypted file (sourceDir to encrypt PHP file directory, targetDir encrypted file directory)
$encryption = new PhoCodeZip (' sourceDir ', 'targetDir');
// perform line encryption
$encryption - > Zip ();

Phpcodezip.php source download
Phpcodezip.php source content
class PhpCodeZip{ 
//To encrypt the password, the password source, the password and the password
var $sourceDir = '.'; 
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
var $targetDir = 'tmp'; 
//Whether the rows are encrypted
var $bcompiler = true; 
//Whether to remove a blank stream to resolve a row
var $strip = true; 
//All sources, all materials, all channels and all columns
var $sourcefilePaths = array(); 
//The purpose is to collect, collect and collect data
var $targetPaths = array(); 
//The size of the display before the display is encrypted
var $sizeBeforeZip = null; 
//The size of the encrypted file and the size of the encrypted file
var $sizeAfterZip = null; 
//Everything is fine
var $newline = ''; 
public function PhpCodeZip($sourceDir='.',$targetDir='tmp',$bcompiler=true,$strip=true){ 
//Configure the initial
$this->sourceDir = $sourceDir; 
$this->targetDir = $targetDir; 
$this->bcompiler = $bcompiler; 
//The stream checks to see if the source file exists

die(' The specified source and/or material '.$this->sourceDir.' It does not exist. Reschedule '); 
} else { 
//If the specified target stock exists, cut down the heavy stock
echo ' [initialize the destination file] '.$this->newline.$this->newline; 
//To set up the source and the purpose of the service
$dir_paths = $this->getPaths($this->sourceDir,'*',GLOB_ONLYDIR); 
foreach($dir_paths as $key => $path){ 
$path = explode('/',$path); 
$path[0] = $this->targetDir; 
echo '=> '.join('/',$path).$this->newline; 
//Get the source, the material, the picture, the way, the clean
$this->sourcefilePaths = $this->getPaths($this->sourceDir,'*'); 
//With the window of the destination
foreach($this->sourcefilePaths as $key => $path){ 
//I have a lot to share with you
$path = explode('/',$path); 
$path[0] = $this->targetDir; 
$this->targetPaths[$key] = join('/',$path); 
//The size of the display before the display
$this->sizeBeforeZip = $this->getSizeUnit($this->getDirSize($this->sourceDir),2); 
echo $this->newline.$this->newline; 
public function zip(){ 
$this->newline = ''; 
echo ' 【 password encryption program 】 ( Size: '.$this->sizeBeforeZip.')'.$this->newline.$this->newline; 
//All rights reserved
foreach($this->sourcefilePaths as $key => $path){ 
//Get all the files
$pathInfo = pathInfo($path); 
echo ' - - - - - - - - - - - - '.$path.$this->newline; 
//Gets the contents behind the
echo '=> Remove blank solutions ..........'; 
if($this->strip && $pathInfo['extension'] == 'php'){ 
$fileAterZip = php_strip_whitespace($path); 
} else { 
$fileAterZip = file_get_contents($path); 
echo ' The  �  '.$this->newline; 

//Takes the contents of the rear part to the destination
$fp = fopen($this->targetPaths[$key],'w+'); 
echo '=>  ..........'; 
echo ' The  �  '.$this->newline; 
//Whether the rows are encrypted
if($this->bcompiler && $pathInfo['extension'] == 'php'){ 
echo '=> Encrypt the original stream ..........'; 
// �   �   � 
$fh = fopen($this->targetPaths[$key].'encrypt.php', "w"); 
bcompiler_write_file($fh, $this->targetPaths[$key]); 
//The unencrypted original is removed

//Rename the private file after the encrypted one

echo ' The  �  '.$this->newline; 
echo $this->newline.$this->newline; 
//Re - calculate the size of the encrypted part of the video
$this->sizeAfterZip = $this->getSizeUnit($this->getDirSize($this->targetDir),2); 
echo ' 【 beam encryption program 】 '.$this->newline.$this->newline; 

echo ' Copyright © 2014 all rights reserved '.$this->newline; 
echo ' Copyright © 2014 all rights reserved '.$this->sourceDir.'('.$this->sizeBeforeZip.')'.$this->newline; 
echo ' Objectives and materials: '.$this->targetDir.'('.$this->sizeAfterZip.')'.$this->newline; 
echo ' Increase in size: +'.$this->getSizeUnit(($this->getDirSize($this->targetDir) - $this->getDirSize($this->sourceDir))).$this->newline; 
echo ' In  �   �   �  : '.count($this->sourcefilePaths).' � '.$this->newline; 

private function cleanDir($dir='.',$deleteSelf=true){ 
if(!$dh = @opendir($dir)) return; 
while (($obj = readdir($dh))) { 
if($obj=='.' || $obj=='..') continue; 
if (!@unlink($dir.'/'.$obj)) $this->cleanDir($dir.'/'.$obj, true); 
if ($deleteSelf){ 
private function getDirSize($dir='.'){ 
//Get all the information
$filePaths = $this->getPaths($dir,'*'); 
//Initializes the actor
$sizeCounter = 0; 
foreach($filePaths as $key => $path){ 
$sizeCounter = $sizeCounter + filesize($path); 
return ($sizeCounter); 
private function getPaths($sDir, $sPattern, $nFlags = NULL){ 
$sDir = escapeshellcmd($sDir); 
$aFiles = glob("$sDir/$sPattern", $nFlags); 
foreach (glob("$sDir/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $sSubDir) { 
$aSubFiles = $this->getPaths($sSubDir, $sPattern, $nFlags); 
$aFiles = array_merge($aFiles, $aSubFiles); 
return $aFiles; 
public function getSizeUnit($size,$decimal=2,$split=false){ 
//To specify a bit sequence
$unit = array('Bytes','KB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB'); 
//Initialization index
$flag = 0; 
//And I'm going to do that
while($size >= 1024){ 
$size = $size / 1024; 
//Do you want a value for the display
$sizeUnit = array( 
'size' => number_format($size,$decimal), 
'unit' => $unit[$flag] 
} else { 
$sizeUnit = (number_format($size,$decimal)).$unit[$flag]; 
//Back to the size of the wok
return ($sizeUnit); 

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