Super handy PHP upload image class of random name thumbnail add watermark

  • 2020-03-31 20:51:33
  • OfStack

Upimages.class.php PHP upload class

class UpImages { 
var $annexFolder = "upload";//The default is: annex
var $smallFolder = "small";//Thumbnail location path, note: must be a subdirectory under the $folder, default: smallimg
var $markFolder = "mark";//Watermark image storage
var $upFileType = "jpg gif png";//Upload type, default: JPG GIF PNG rar zip
var $upFileMax = 1024;//Upload size limit, "KB", default: 1024KB
var $fontType;//The font
var $maxWidth = 500; //Maximum picture width
var $maxHeight = 600; //Maximum picture height
function UpImages($annexFolder,$smallFolder,$includeFolder) { 
$this->annexFolder = $annexFolder; 
$this->smallFolder = $smallFolder; 
$this->fontType = $includeFolder."/04B_08__.TTF"; 
function upLoad($inputName) { 
$imageName = time();//Set the current time as the image name
if(@empty($_FILES[$inputName]["name"])) die(" There is no uploaded picture information, please confirm "); 
$name = explode(".",$_FILES[$inputName]["name"]);//Separate the file type from the file before uploading by "."
$imgCount = count($name);//Get the number of intercepts
$imgType = $name[$imgCount-1];//Gets the type of file
if(strpos($this->upFileType,$imgType) === false) die(error(" Upload file type is supported only  ".$this->upFileType."  Does not support  ".$imgType)); 
$photo = $imageName.".".$imgType;//The file name to write to the database
$uploadFile = $this->annexFolder."/".$photo;//Name of the uploaded file
$upFileok = move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$inputName]["tmp_name"],$uploadFile); 
if($upFileok) { 
$imgSize = $_FILES[$inputName]["size"]; 
$kSize = round($imgSize/1024); 
if($kSize > ($this->upFileMax*1024)) { 
die(error(" Upload file more than  ".$this->upFileMax."KB")); 
} else { 
die(error(" Failed to upload picture, please make sure your uploaded file does not exceed  $upFileMax KB  Or the upload time expires ")); 
return $photo; 
function getInfo($photo) { 
$photo = $this->annexFolder."/".$photo; 
$imageInfo = getimagesize($photo); 
$imgInfo["width"] = $imageInfo[0]; 
$imgInfo["height"] = $imageInfo[1]; 
$imgInfo["type"] = $imageInfo[2]; 
$imgInfo["name"] = basename($photo); 
return $imgInfo; 
function smallImg($photo,$width=128,$height=128) { 
$imgInfo = $this->getInfo($photo); 
$photo = $this->annexFolder."/".$photo;//Get the image source
$newName = substr($imgInfo["name"],0,strrpos($imgInfo["name"], "."))."_thumb.jpg";//New picture name
if($imgInfo["type"] == 1) { 
$img = imagecreatefromgif($photo); 
} elseif($imgInfo["type"] == 2) { 
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($photo); 
} elseif($imgInfo["type"] == 3) { 
$img = imagecreatefrompng($photo); 
} else { 
$img = ""; 
if(empty($img)) return False; 
$width = ($width > $imgInfo["width"]) ? $imgInfo["width"] : $width; 
$height = ($height > $imgInfo["height"]) ? $imgInfo["height"] : $height; 
$srcW = $imgInfo["width"]; 
$srcH = $imgInfo["height"]; 
if ($srcW * $width > $srcH * $height) { 
$height = round($srcH * $width / $srcW); 
} else { 
$width = round($srcW * $height / $srcH); 
if (function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor")) { 
$newImg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); 
ImageCopyResampled($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $imgInfo["width"], $imgInfo["height"]); 
} else { 
$newImg = imagecreate($width, $height); 
ImageCopyResized($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $imgInfo["width"], $imgInfo["height"]); 
if ($this->toFile) { 
if (file_exists($this->annexFolder."/".$this->smallFolder."/".$newName)) @unlink($this->annexFolder."/".$this->smallFolder."/".$newName); 
return $this->annexFolder."/".$this->smallFolder."/".$newName; 
} else { 
return $newName; 
function waterMark($photo,$text) { 
$imgInfo = $this->getInfo($photo); 
$photo = $this->annexFolder."/".$photo; 
$newName = substr($imgInfo["name"], 0, strrpos($imgInfo["name"], ".")) . "_mark.jpg"; 
switch ($imgInfo["type"]) { 
case 1: 
$img = imagecreatefromgif($photo); 
case 2: 
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($photo); 
case 3: 
$img = imagecreatefrompng($photo); 
return False; 
if (empty($img)) return False; 
$width = ($this->maxWidth > $imgInfo["width"]) ? $imgInfo["width"] : $this->maxWidth; 
$height = ($this->maxHeight > $imgInfo["height"]) ? $imgInfo["height"] : $this->maxHeight; 
$srcW = $imgInfo["width"]; 
$srcH = $imgInfo["height"]; 
if ($srcW * $width > $srcH * $height) { 
$height = round($srcH * $width / $srcW); 
} else { 
$width = round($srcW * $height / $srcH); 
if (function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor")) { 
$newImg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); 
ImageCopyResampled($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $imgInfo["width"], $imgInfo["height"]); 
} else { 
$newImg = imagecreate($width, $height); 
ImageCopyResized($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $imgInfo["width"], $imgInfo["height"]); 

$white = imageColorAllocate($newImg, 255, 255, 255); 
$black = imageColorAllocate($newImg, 0, 0, 0); 
$alpha = imageColorAllocateAlpha($newImg, 230, 230, 230, 40); 
ImageFilledRectangle($newImg, 0, $height-26, $width, $height, $alpha); 
ImageFilledRectangle($newImg, 13, $height-20, 15, $height-7, $black); 
ImageTTFText($newImg, 4.9, 0, 20, $height-14, $black, $this->fontType, $text[0]); 
ImageTTFText($newImg, 4.9, 0, 20, $height-6, $black, $this->fontType, $text[1]); 
if($this->toFile) { 
if (file_exists($this->annexFolder."/".$this->markFolder."/".$newName)) @unlink($this->annexFolder."/".$this->markFolder."/".$newName); 
return $this->annexFolder."/".$this->markFolder."/".$newName; 
} else { 
return $newName; 

Method of use
include 'Upimages.class.php'; 
$max="upload"; //File upload path
$mix="small"; //Thumbnail path (must be created under upload)
$mark="mark"; //Add water to the image store path
$text = array("oktang","2012"); //Watermark content
$img= new UpImages($max,$mix,$max); //Instantiate the class file
$photo = $img->upLoad("file"); //Upload the file field
$img->maxWidth = $img->maxHeight = 600; //Set the height and the width
$img->toFile = true; 
$newSmallImg = $img->smallImg($photo); 
$newMark = $img->waterMark($photo,$text); 
echo $newSmallImg; 
echo $newMark; 
echo "<img src='".$newSmallImg."' border='0'><br><br>"; 
echo "<img src='".$newMark."' border='0'><br><br>"; 

Notice there's a font file that you can download from the web.

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