PHP static static variable use method

  • 2020-03-31 20:47:37
  • OfStack

Take a look at the following example:
function Test() 
$w3sky = 0; 
echo $w3sky; 

This function sets the value of $w3sky to 0 and prints "0" each time it is called. Adding a variable to $w3sky++ does not work because the variable $w3sky does not exist once the function exits. To write a counting function that will not lose the count value, define the variable $w3sky as static:
As follows:
function Test() 
static $w3sky = 0; 
echo $w3sky; 

This function prints the value of $w3sky and adds one for each call to Test().
Static variables also provide a way to handle recursive functions. A recursive function is a method that calls itself. Be careful when writing recursive functions, because they can go on forever without an exit. Make sure you have a way to stop the recursion. The following simple function recursively counts to 10, using the static variable $count to determine when to stop:
Examples of static variables and recursive functions:
function Test() 
static $count = 0; 
echo $count; 
if ($count < 10) { 

Note: static variables can be declared as in the above example. Assigning the result of an expression to it in a declaration results in a parsing error.
Example of declaring static variables:
function foo(){ 
static $int = 0;// correct 
static $int = 1+2; // wrong (as it is an expression) 
static $int = sqrt(121); // wrong (as it is an expression too) 
echo $int; 

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