Installation and use of the PHP Xdebug debugging extension.

  • 2020-03-31 20:29:17
  • OfStack

Xdebug is installed

When downloading the xdebug extension, please note that the version of xdebug should be opposite to the PHP version, otherwise there will be unnecessary trouble!

I used PHP5.2.5 myself, and the xdebug file I downloaded was php_xdebug-2.0.3-5.2.5.dll. Just drop the file into the PHP /ext folder

Configuration of 3.

Xdebug configuration

Open the PHP ini

Add the following configuration code to the last line, which is already annotated

; Loads the Xdebug
Zend_extension_ts = "c: / PHP/ext/php_xdebug - 2.0.4-5.2.8. DLL." "

; If you use relative paths you can write it like this

; The extension = "php_xdebug - 2.0.4-5.2.8. DLL." "

; Xdebug configuration
; Turn on automatic tracking
Xdebug.auto_trace = On
; Turn on exception tracing
Xdebug. Show_exception_trace = On
; Enable remote debugging to start automatically
Xdebug. Remote_autostart = On
; Enable remote debugging
Xdebug. Remote_enable = On
; Collect variables
Xdebug. Collect_vars = On
; Collect return value
Xdebug. Collect_return = On
; Collect parameters
Xdebug. Collect_params = On

Finally, I wrote it in php.ini

Zend_extension_manager. Optimizer_ts = "f: \ ServerCore \ lib \ Optimizer - 3.3.0"
; Zend_extension_ts = "f: \ ServerCore \ lib \ ZendExtensionManager DLL." "
Zend_extension_ts = "F: \ ServerCore \ PHP5 \ ext \ php_xdebug - 2.0.4-5.2.8. DLL." "
To be successful, the other way is not very good

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