PHP smarty function extensions

  • 2020-03-31 20:28:57
  • OfStack

Modifier. Cn_truncate. PHP
function smarty_modifier_cn_truncate($string, $strlen = 20, $etc = '...', 
$keep_first_style = false) 
$strlen = $strlen*2; 
$string = trim($string); 
if ( strlen($string) <= $strlen ) { 
return $string; 
$str = strip_tags($string); 
$j = 0; 
for($i=0;$i<$strlen;$i++) { 
if(ord(substr($str,$i,1))>0xa0) $j++; 
if($j%2!=0) $strlen++; 
if (strlen($str)>$strlen ) {$rstr .= $etc;} 
if ( $keep_first_style == true && ereg('^<(.*)>$',$string) ) { 
if ( strlen($str) <= $strlen ) { 
return $string; 
$start_pos = strpos($string,substr($str,0,4)); 
$end_pos = strpos($string,substr($str,-4)); 
$end_pos = $end_pos+4; 
$rstr = substr($string,0,$start_pos) . $rstr . substr($string,$end_pos,strlen($string)); 
return $rstr; 

Modifier. The ubb. PHP
function smarty_modifier_ubb($str) { 
$ubbs['quote'][0] = '/[quote](.*?)[/quote]/s'; 
$ubbs['quote'][1] = '<blockquote> reference :<hr size=1>1<hr size=1></blockquote>'; 
$ubbs['b'][0] = '/[b](.*?)[/b]/s'; 
$ubbs['b'][1] = '<b>1</b>'; 
$ubbs['i'][0] = '/[i](.*?)[/i]/s'; 
$ubbs['i'][1] = '<i>1</i>'; 
$ubbs['u'][0] = '/[u](.*?)[/u]/s'; 
$ubbs['u'][1] = '<u>1</u>'; 
$ubbs['li'][0] = '/[li](.*?)[/li]/s'; 
$ubbs['li'][1] = '<li>1</li>'; 
$ubbs['img'][0] = '/[img](.*?)[/img]/s'; 
$ubbs['img'][1] = '<img border="0" src="1">'; 
$ubbs['img2'][0] = '/[img=([^,]+),([^]]+)](.*?)[/img]/s'; 
$ubbs['img2'][1] = '<img border="0" width="1" height="2" src="3">'; 
$ubbs['url'][0] = '/[url](.*?)[/url]/s'; 
$ubbs['url'][1] = '<a href="1" target="_blank">1</a>'; 
$ubbs['url2'][0] = '/[url=([^]]+)](.*?)[/url]/s'; 
$ubbs['url2'][1] = '<a href="1" target="_blank">2</a>'; 
$ubbs['email'][0] = '/[email=([^]]+)](.*?)[/email]/s'; 
$ubbs['email'][1] = '<a href="mailto:2">2</a>'; 
$ubbs['qq'][0] = '/[qq]([0-9]{5,10})[/qq]/s'; 
$ubbs['qq'][1] = '<a target="new" href="tencent://The message /? Uin=1& & Menu = yes "> <Img border = "0" SRC = " P =1:1:1" Alt =" click here to send me a message "> </ a> ';
$ubbs['color'][0] = '/[color=([^]]+)](.*?)[/color]/s'; 
$ubbs['color'][1] = '<font color="1">2'; 
$ubbs['font'][0] = '/[font=([^]]+)](.*?)[/font]/s'; 
$ubbs['font'][1] = '<font face="1">2'; 
$ubbs['size'][0] = '/[size=([0-9]+)](.*?)[/size]/s'; 
$ubbs['size'][1] = '<font size="1" style="line-height:1em;">2'; 
$ubbs['sizept'][0] = '/[size=([0-9,pt]+)](.*?)[/size]/s'; 
$ubbs['sizept'][1] = '<font style="font-size:1">2'; 
$ubbs['align'][0] = '/[align=([^]]+)](.*?)[/align]/s'; 
$ubbs['align'][1] = '<div align="1">2'; 
$ubbs['media'][0] = '/[media](.*?)[/media]/s'; 
$ubbs['media'][1] = '<embed src="1"></embed>'; 
$ubbs['list'][0] = '/[list](.*?)[/list]/s'; 
$ubbs['list'][1] = '<ul>1</ul>'; 
$ubbs['list2'][0] = '/[list=([0-9]+)](.*?)[/list]/s'; 
$ubbs['list2'][1] = '<ol>2</ol>'; 
$ubbs['indent'][0] = '/[indent](.*?)[/indent]/s'; 
$ubbs['indent'][1] = '<div style="text-indent: 20px;">1'; 
$ubbs['table'][0] = '/[table([=,0-9,%]*)](.*?)[/table]/s'; 
$ubbs['table'][1] = '<table style="border:#0099FF 1px dotted;border-right-width:0px; border-top-width:0px;">2'; 
$ubbs['tr'][0] = '/[tr](.*?)[/tr]/s'; 
$ubbs['tr'][1] = '<tr>1'; 
$ubbs['td'][0] = '/[td](.*?)[/td]/s'; 
$ubbs['td'][1] = '<td style="border:#0099FF 1px dotted; border-left-width:0px; border-bottom-width:0px;"> 1'; 
$ubbs['td2'][0] = '/[td([^(]|[)]+)](.*?)[/td]/s'; 
$ubbs['td2'][1] = '<td style="border:#0099FF 1px dotted; border-left-width:0px; border-bottom-width:0px;"> 2'; 
$str = str_replace('[*]','<li>',$str); 
foreach ($ubbs as $ubb){ 
$str = ubb_replace($ubb[0],$ubb[1],$str); 
return $str; 
function ubb_replace($pattern,$replacement,$str){ 
do { 
$str_ret = $str; 
$str = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$str); 
return $str_ret; 

Coding modifier. Unescape. PHP
function smarty_modifier_unescape($str) 
$str = rawurldecode($str); 
$ar = $r[0]; 
foreach($ar as $k=>$v) { 
if(substr($v,0,2) == "%u" && strlen($v) == 6) 
$ar[$k] = iconv("UCS-2","GB2312",@pack("H4",substr($v,-4))); 
return join("",$ar); 

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