PHP+ajax no refresh to delete data

  • 2020-03-31 20:26:42
  • OfStack

First of all, this example is modified based on the message book.
We use jquery.js for ajax and dom deletion
First of all to join

<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery.js"></script> 

Give the table a


Write a js:
function delItem (id) { 
$.get('delete.php?id='+id,null,function (msg) {//An ajax request that executes the following code
if ('1'==msg) {//Returning 1 indicates success
$('#t'+id).remove();//Delete the table with id TXX
} else {//Otherwise an error message pops up

Remove the link and change it to href="javascript:delItem('< ! -- {$item. Id} -- -- > ')"
The delete.php modification is to change the error statement to direct output.
OK to complete.
The index. The TPL:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 
<html xmlns=""> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
<title> All messages </title> 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" media="all" /> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery.js"></script> 
<!--{if $smarty.session.username}--> 
<a href="logout.php"> exit </a> 
<a href="login.php"> The login </a> 
<a href="reg.php"> registered </a> 
<a href="add.php"> Published comments </a> 
<!--{foreach from=$gblist item=item}--> 
<table id="t<!--{$}-->" width="700" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tb"> 
<td class="bg"><b>[<!--{$item.username}-->]</b>  Published in: <!--{$item.insert_time}--></td> 
<br /> 
<!--{if $item.user_file}--> 
 Attachment: <a target="_blank" href="uploads/<!--{$item.user_file}-->"><!--{$item.user_file}--></a> 
<td align="right"><!--{if $item.user_id==$smarty.session.user_id}--><a href="add.php?id=<!--{$}-->"> Modify the </a> <a href="javascript:delItem('<!--{$}-->')"> delete </a><!--{/if}--></td> 
function delItem (id) { 
$.get('delete.php?id='+id,null,function (msg) { 
if ('1'==msg) { 
} else { 

Delete. PHP:
//Check out the message
$q = $query->query('select * from gb_content where id='.intval($_GET['id'])); 
$rs = $query->fetch_array($q); 
$error = array(); 
if ($rs['user_id']!=intval($_SESSION['user_id'])) {//Determine whether the user_id is the same
$error = ' You can't delete this information, only delete your own post '; 
if (!$error) { 
$query->query('delete from gb_content where id='.intval($_GET['id']));//Delete statements
if ($rs['user_file']) {//Delete the attachment
echo 1;//Indicates success
} else { 
echo $error; 

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