Method to import excel data into MSSQL database under Linux

  • 2020-03-31 20:22:09
  • OfStack

First, clear your mind
First: you need to upload the file to the server
Then: read the excel data column to display
Then: let the user select the corresponding relationship of the field
Then: submit the data and read the correspondence of the fields
Finally: batch import data, delete temporary files
There are five steps above! We analyze step by step ~~~
Step 1: download the attached phpexcelparser4.rar file, which is uploaded to the excel theft server and displayed on the web! This does not have a problem commonly! The problem is that the program does this by saving the table as a temporary table without actually saving it, so first change the program code to
if (trim($_POST["cmd"])=="upload") 

$err_corr = "Unsupported format or file corrupted"; 

$excel_file = $_FILES['excel_file']; 
if (!is_writeable($UploadAbsPath."tmpexcel/")) 
echo " Directory not writable !"; exit; 
echo " Directory writable !"; 
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['excel_file']['tmp_name'], $uploadservername)) 
echo(" Uploaded successfully "); 
echo(" Upload failed "); 
//if( $excel_file ) 
// $excel_file = $_FILES['excel_file']['tmp_name']; 

if( $excel_file == '' ) fatal("No file uploaded"); 

$exc = new ExcelFileParser("debug.log", ABC_NO_LOG);//ABC_NO_LOG ABC_VAR_DUMP); 
$style = $_POST['style']; 
if( $style == 'old' ) 
$fh = @fopen ($excel_file,'rb'); 
if( !$fh ) fatal("No file uploaded"); 
if( filesize($excel_file)==0 ) fatal("No file uploaded"); 
$fc = fread( $fh, filesize($excel_file) ); 
if( strlen($fc) < filesize($excel_file) ) 
fatal("Cannot read file"); 
$time_start = getmicrotime(); 
$res = $exc->ParseFromString($fc); 
$time_end = getmicrotime(); 
elseif( $style == 'segment' ) 
$time_start = getmicrotime(); 
$res = $exc->ParseFromFile($excel_file); 
$time_end = getmicrotime(); 

switch ($res) { 
case 0: break; 
case 1: fatal("Can't open file"); 
case 2: fatal("File too small to be an Excel file"); 
case 3: fatal("Error reading file header"); 
case 4: fatal("Error reading file"); 
case 5: fatal("This is not an Excel file or file stored in Excel < 5.0"); 
case 6: fatal("File corrupted"); 
case 7: fatal("No Excel data found in file"); 
case 8: fatal("Unsupported file version"); 

fatal("Unknown error"); 

print '<pre>'; 
print_r( $exc ); 
print '</pre>'; 


echo <<<LEG 
<form name='doform' action='' method='post'> 
<input type='hidden' name='action' value='do'> 
<input type='hidden' name='excel_file' value=$excel_file> 
<input type='hidden' name='style' value=$style> 
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> 
<tr><td>Data type</td><td>Description</td></tr> 
<tr><td class=empty> </td><td class=index>An empty cell</td></tr> 
<tr><td class=dt_string>ABCabc</td><td class=index>String</td></tr> 
<tr><td class=dt_int>12345</td><td class=index>Integer</td></tr> 
<tr><td class=dt_float>123.45</td><td class=index>Float</td></tr> 
<tr><td class=dt_date>123.45</td><td class=index>Date</td></tr> 

print "<pre>"; 
print_r ($exc->worksheet); 
print "</pre>"; 
for( $ws_num=0; $ws_num<count($exc->worksheet['name']); $ws_num++ ) 
print "<b>Worksheet: ""; 
if( $exc->worksheet['unicode'][$ws_num] ) { 
print uc2html($exc->worksheet['name'][$ws_num]); 
} else 
print $exc->worksheet['name'][$ws_num]; 

print ""</b>"; 
$ws = $exc->worksheet['data'][$ws_num]; 

if( is_array($ws) && 
isset($ws['max_row']) && isset($ws['max_col']) ) { 
echo "n<br><br><table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>n"; 

print "<tr><td> </td>n"; 
for( $j=0; $j<=$ws['max_col']; $j++ ) { 
print "<td class=index> "; 
if( $j>25 ) print chr((int)($j/26)+64); 
//A drop-down list is displayed to display the data
//Note the cyclic data <Br />
echo("n<select name='".$j."'>"); 
echo("n<option value='0'> Don't choose </option>"); 
echo("n<option value='fkhxm'> Customer name </option>"); 
echo("n<option value='fsfzh'> Id number </option>"); 
echo("n<option value='fyddh'> The mobile phone </option>"); 
echo("n<option value='ftxdz'> The communication address </option>"); 
echo("n<option value='femail'>Email</option>"); 
echo("n<option value='flxdh'> Contact phone number </option>"); 
echo("n<option value='fkhah'> Customer interests </option>"); 
echo("n<option value='fbzxx'> Note information </option>"); 
print "</td>"; 

print "<tr><td> </td>n"; 
for( $j=0; $j<=$ws['max_col']; $j++ ) { 
print "<td class=index> "; 
if( $j>25 ) print chr((int)($j/26)+64); 
print chr(($j % 26) + 65)."  The column name </td>"; 

//The header output is complete
if ($ws['max_row']>9) 
$shownum=$ws['max_row'];//Only the first 10 pieces of data are output
for( $i=0; $i<=$shownum; $i++ ) { 
print "<tr><td class=index>".($i+1)."</td>n"; 
if(isset($ws['cell'][$i]) && is_array($ws['cell'][$i]) ) { 
for( $j=0; $j<=$ws['max_col']; $j++ ) { 

if( ( is_array($ws['cell'][$i]) ) && 
( isset($ws['cell'][$i][$j]) ) 

// print cell data 
print "<td class=""; 
$data = $ws['cell'][$i][$j]; 

$font = $ws['cell'][$i][$j]['font']; 
$style = " style ='".ExcelFont::ExcelToCSS($exc->fonts[$font])."'"; 

switch ($data['type']) { 
// string 
case 0: 
print "dt_string"".$style.">"; 
$ind = $data['data']; 
if( $exc->sst['unicode'][$ind] ) { 
$s = uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ind]); 
} else 
$s = $exc->sst['data'][$ind]; 
if( strlen(trim($s))==0 ) 
print " "; 
print $s; 
// integer number 
case 1: 
print "dt_int"".$style."> "; 
print $data['data']; 
// float number 
case 2: 
print "dt_float"".$style."> "; 
echo $data['data']; 
// date 
case 3: 
print "dt_date"".$style."> "; 

$ret = $data[data];//str_replace ( " 00:00:00", "", gmdate("d-m-Y H:i:s",$exc->xls2tstamp($data[data])) ); 
echo ( $ret ); 
print "dt_unknown"".$style.">  "; 
print "</td>n"; 
} else { 
print "<td class=empty> </td>n"; 
} else { 
// print an empty row 
for( $j=0; $j<=$ws['max_col']; $j++ ) 
print "<td class=empty> </td>"; 
print "n"; 
print "</tr>n"; 

echo "</table><br>n"; 
} else { 
// emtpty worksheet 
print "<b> - empty</b><br>n"; 
print "<br>"; 

echo("<input type='submit' name='Submit' value=' conversion ' />"); 

The operation effect is as follows:
  < img border = 0 SRC = "" border = 0 >
The second step is to read the data out, the code is as follows:
if ($_POST["action"]=="do") 
//Process the data
//Read the header record first
$fh = @fopen ($excel_file,'rb'); 
$fc = fread( $fh, filesize($excel_file) ); 
//Echo (" execution ". $excel_file);
$exc = new ExcelFileParser("debug.log", ABC_NO_LOG);//ABC_NO_LOG ABC_VAR_DUMP); 
$style = $_POST['style']; 
if( $style == 'old' ) 
$fh = @fopen ($excel_file,'rb'); 
if( !$fh ) fatal("No file uploaded"); 
if( filesize($excel_file)==0 ) fatal("No file uploaded"); 
$fc = fread( $fh, filesize($excel_file) ); 
if( strlen($fc) < filesize($excel_file) ) 
fatal("Cannot read file"); 
$time_start = getmicrotime(); 
$res = $exc->ParseFromString($fc); 
$time_end = getmicrotime(); 
elseif( $style == 'segment' ) 
$time_start = getmicrotime(); 
$res = $exc->ParseFromFile($excel_file); 
$time_end = getmicrotime(); 

switch ($res) { 
case 0: break; 
case 1: fatal("Can't open file"); 
case 2: fatal("File too small to be an Excel file"); 
case 3: fatal("Error reading file header"); 
case 4: fatal("Error reading file"); 
case 5: fatal("This is not an Excel file or file stored in Excel < 5.0"); 
case 6: fatal("File corrupted"); 
case 7: fatal("No Excel data found in file"); 
case 8: fatal("Unsupported file version"); 

fatal("Unknown error"); 
//And read the end, if there is no error can loop to add data to MSSQL!
for( $ws_num=0; $ws_num<count($exc->worksheet['name']); $ws_num++ ) 
// print "<b>Worksheet: ""; 
// if( $exc->worksheet['unicode'][$ws_num] ) { 
// print uc2html($exc->worksheet['name'][$ws_num]); 
// } else 
// print $exc->worksheet['name'][$ws_num]; 
// print ""</b>"; 
$ws = $exc->worksheet['data'][$ws_num]; 
// print "<tr><td> </td>n"; 
for( $j=0; $j<=$ws['max_col']; $j++ ) { 
//print "<td class=index> "; 
//if( $j>25 ) print chr((int)($j/26)+64); 
//Read the column name first

if ($tmpcolum=="fkhxm") $fkhxmnum=$j; 
if ($tmpcolum=="fsfzh") $fsfzhnum=$j; 
if ($tmpcolum=="fyddh") $fyddhnum=$j; 
if ($tmpcolum=="ftxdz") $ftxdznum=$j; 
if ($tmpcolum=="femail") $femailnum=$j; 
if ($tmpcolum=="flxdh") $flxdhnum=$j; 
if ($tmpcolum=="fkhah") $fkhahnum=$j; 
if ($tmpcolum=="fbzxx") $fbzxxnum=$j; 
for( $i=0; $i<=$ws['max_row']; $i++ ) { 
//print "<tr><td class=index>".($i+1)."</td>n"; 
if(isset($ws['cell'][$i]) && is_array($ws['cell'][$i]) ) { 
if ($fkhxmnum!=0&&$ftxdznum!=0&&($fyddhnum!=0||$flxdhnum!=0))//Please specify the required non-empty fields here
$sql="insert into k_qlkhxx(fkhxm,fsfzh,fyddh,ftxdz,femail,flxdh,$fkhah,fbzxx,fglry,fglryxm,fdjry,ffzdm) values('".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fkhxmnum]['data']])."','".$exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fsfzhnum]['data']]."','".$exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fyddhnum]['data']]."','".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$ftxdznum]['data']])."','".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$femailnum]['data']])."','".$exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$flxdhnum]['data']]."','".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fkhahnum]['data']])."','".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fbzxxnum]['data']])."','".$_SESSION["uyhmc"]."','".$_SESSION["uyhxm"]."','".$_SESSION["uyhmc"]."','".$_SESSION["ubm"]."')"; 
//Import completed delete file


Did you notice that I commented out the line of execution? Just remove the comment and you can execute it correctly!
Used the code download (link:

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