PHP process locking problem analysis and research

  • 2020-03-31 19:23:57
  • OfStack

1. Distinguish between read locking and write locking.
If you use write locking every time, it's not efficient to queue multiple processes to read a file.
2. Distinguish between blocking and non-blocking modes.
In general, if one process is writing a file, the other process should be blocked, but a lot of times, we can do something else first,
Then it's more efficient to see if someone else is writing the file, and if not, add the data.
3. Fixed the bug of locking files on Linux, especially on the GFS file system.
The code is as follows:

class File_Lock 
private $name; 
private $handle; 
private $mode; 
function __construct($filename, $mode = 'a+b') 
global $php_errormsg; 
$this->name = $filename; 
$path = dirname($this->name); 
if ($path == '.' || !is_dir($path)) { 
global $config_file_lock_path; 
$this->name = str_replace(array("/", "\"), array("_", "_"), $this->name); 
if ($config_file_lock_path == null) { 
$this->name = dirname(__FILE__) . "/lock/" . $this->name; 
} else { 
$this->name = $config_file_lock_path . "/" . $this->name; 
$this->mode = $mode; 
$this->handle = @fopen($this->name, $mode); 
if ($this->handle == false) { 
throw new Exception($php_errormsg); 
public function close() 
if ($this->handle !== null ) { 
$this->handle = null; 
public function __destruct() 
public function lock($lockType, $nonBlockingLock = false) 
if ($nonBlockingLock) { 
return flock($this->handle, $lockType | LOCK_NB); 
} else { 
return flock($this->handle, $lockType); 
public function readLock() 
return $this->lock(LOCK_SH); 
public function writeLock($wait = 0.1) 
$startTime = microtime(true); 
$canWrite = false; 
do { 
$canWrite = flock($this->handle, LOCK_EX); 
if(!$canWrite) { 
usleep(rand(10, 1000)); 
} while ((!$canWrite) && ((microtime(true) - $startTime) < $wait)); 
public function increment($delt = 1) 
$n = $this->get(); 
$n += $delt; 
return $n; 
public function get() 
fseek($this->handle, 0); 
return (int)fgets($this->handle); 
public function set($value) 
ftruncate($this->handle, 0); 
return fwrite($this->handle, (string)$value); 
public function unlock() 
if ($this->handle !== null ) { 
return flock($this->handle, LOCK_UN); 
} else { 
return true; 

Test code:
$lock = new File_Lock(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/FileLock.lock"); 
while ($lock->get() < 2) { 
echo "begin to runing n"; 
$t1 = microtime(true); 
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) 
$t2 = microtime(true) - $t1; 
echo $t2; 

I've added a function of increment, which is a simple thread synchronization that allows two processes to execute a piece of code at the same time, with some error, of course
The error here is 0.001s.
Simply use this class in the previous memcache message queue to implement a thread-safe message queue.

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