Message queues are implemented in PHP Memcache

  • 2020-03-31 19:23:48
  • OfStack

For a large message queue, it is too expensive to serialize and deserialize large databases frequently. The following is a message queue that I implemented in PHP. I only need to insert one data in the tail to operate the tail instead of the whole message queue for reading and operation. However, the message queue is not thread-safe, I just try to avoid the possibility of collisions. If the message is not very dense, say one in a few seconds, consider using it this way.
If you want to be thread-safe, one recommendation is to lock through the file and then operate. Here is the code:
class Memcache_Queue 
private $memcache; 
private $name; 
private $prefix; 
function __construct($maxSize, $name, $memcache, $prefix = "__memcache_queue__") 
if ($memcache == null) { 
throw new Exception("memcache object is null, new the object first."); 
$this->memcache = $memcache; 
$this->name = $name; 
$this->prefix = $prefix; 
$this->maxSize = $maxSize; 
$this->front = 0; 
$this->real = 0; 
$this->size = 0; 
function __get($name) 
return $this->get($name); 
function __set($name, $value) 
$this->add($name, $value); 
return $this; 
function isEmpty() 
return $this->size == 0; 
function isFull() 
return $this->size == $this->maxSize; 
function enQueue($data) 
if ($this->isFull()) { 
throw new Exception("Queue is Full"); 
$this->set($this->real, $data); 
$this->set("real", ($this->real + 1) % $this->maxSize); 
return $this; 
function deQueue() 
if ($this->isEmpty()) { 
throw new Exception("Queue is Empty"); 
$this->set("front", ($this->front + 1) % $this->maxSize); 
return $this; 
function getTop() 
return $this->get($this->front); 
function getAll() 
return $this->getPage(); 
function getPage($offset = 0, $limit = 0) 
if ($this->isEmpty() || $this->size < $offset) { 
return null; 
$keys[] = $this->getKeyByPos(($this->front + $offset) % $this->maxSize); 
$num = 1; 
for ($pos = ($this->front + $offset + 1) % $this->maxSize; $pos != $this->real; $pos = ($pos + 1) % $this->maxSize) 
$keys[] = $this->getKeyByPos($pos); 
if ($limit > 0 && $limit == $num) { 
return array_values($this->memcache->get($keys)); 
function makeEmpty() 
$keys = $this->getAllKeys(); 
foreach ($keys as $value) { 
private function getAllKeys() 
if ($this->isEmpty()) 
return array(); 
$keys[] = $this->getKeyByPos($this->front); 
for ($pos = ($this->front + 1) % $this->maxSize; $pos != $this->real; $pos = ($pos + 1) % $this->maxSize) 
$keys[] = $this->getKeyByPos($pos); 
return $keys; 
private function add($pos, $data) 
$this->memcache->add($this->getKeyByPos($pos), $data); 
return $this; 
private function increment($pos) 
return $this->memcache->increment($this->getKeyByPos($pos)); 
private function decrement($pos) 
private function set($pos, $data) 
$this->memcache->set($this->getKeyByPos($pos), $data); 
return $this; 
private function get($pos) 
return $this->memcache->get($this->getKeyByPos($pos)); 
private function delete($pos) 
return $this->memcache->delete($this->getKeyByPos($pos)); 
private function getKeyByPos($pos) 
return $this->prefix . $this->name . $pos; 

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