PHP MYSQL garble problem using SET NAMES utf8 correction

  • 2020-03-31 17:07:28
  • OfStack

Write it down first, in case you can't remember to look for it again!
When PHP operates on a database, the data in the database is encoded in UTF8. Question mark garble code, found some data before the original is to read a coding setting:
create table tablename 
id int not null auto_increment, 
title varchar(20) not null, 
contnet varchar(300) defalut null, 
primary key ('id') 

Before inserting data:
mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); 

Mysql_query (" insert into tablename..." )

Execute before reading the data:
The same code at the page code block index 1
Then mysql_query("select * from tablename")
Note: the code read here is the original encoding of the content of the output after re-coding, such as the output content of the page is GBK code, so when the page is read in the display is also a messy code, so before the query execute mysql_query("SET NAMES GBK "), in the page can normally display GBK code of the text content.

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