Dedecms batch extraction of the first picture the most thumbnail code of article + software

  • 2020-03-31 16:47:16
  • OfStack

The specific implementation code, as follows: the following will give a simple description.

//Database connection Settings
$ip = "localhost"; //address
$user = "jb51"; //The user name
$pw = ""; //password
$db = "jb51"; //The name of the table
$conn=mysql_connect ($ip,$user,$pw); 
mysql_query("set names gbk"); //Set the code to GBK

//To start! Get body data
function body($id){ 
$exec="select * from dede_addonsoft where aid = '".$id."'"; 
$id = $rs->introduce ; 
return $id =$id ; 
//The end! Get body data

// start ! Extract the first image in the variable address
function bodyimg($obj) { 

if ( preg_match( "<img.*src=["](.*?)["].*?>", $obj, $regs ) ) { // Get the first image using regularization address
return $obj = $regs[1] ; 
} else { 
echo "Erro: No picture address! <br>"; 
return $obj = 1 ; 

// The end of the ! Extract the first image in the variable address

// start   Modify the rchives, Insert the obtained image address
function changearchives($pic,$id) { 
$sql="UPDATE `dede_archives` 
SET `litpic` = '".$pic."' 
WHERE `id` = '".$id."'"; 
if($result==1) echo " Modified data successfully! <br>"; 
else echo " Data modification failed !<br>"; 
// The end of the   Modify the rchives, Insert the obtained image address

//Displays the contents of the data table
$exec="select * from dede_archives where typeid in(494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504,374,375,376,377,378,379,488) and litpic = ''"; //Channel ='1' means the article channel can also use typeid=''
$result=mysql_query($exec); //Specify column ID but only the minimum category ID, litpic = "means the thumbnail address is empty

$id = $rs->ID; 
echo $id." "; 
$body = body($id); //Call the function to get the body content
$pic = bodyimg($body); // Call function fetch  body The first picture inside address
if ($pic<>1){ 
changearchives($pic,$id); // The calling function inserts the obtained address

I've just learned PHP and I've put the code together and I've done a lot of detailed comments that beginners can look at

Because the above code cannot automatically get the next level of directory, so manually add directory id, common statements are.
$exec="select * from dede_archives where typeid in(1,2,3) and litpic =" "; //channel='1' means the article channel can also use typeid=''
The code above gets the data for typeids 1 and 2 and 3.
If you change an id, use the following statement
$exec="select * from dede_archives where typeid='1' and litpic =' '";
You can use it if it's a channel
$exec="select * from dede_archives where channel='1'  And litpic = "";
Make sure you back up first, or don't just test it, it's the dedecms5.1 version, other versions should work as well. Multiple tests (on the premise of backup).

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