PHP implements jQuery extension functions

  • 2020-03-31 16:46:32
  • OfStack

It's the contains function, which the book says filters the selected set of elements by their contents, and I kept reporting errors when I was running the code, and I wrote it myself because it wasn't in the library.
The code is as follows:
function yhCheckIsIncludingValue(element , pattern) 
var bool = false; 
var childrenNodes = element.childNodes; 
if (childrenNodes.length == 0) 
if (element.nodeValue != null) 
if (pattern.exec(element.nodeValue) != null) 
return true; 
if (childrenNodes.length != 0) 
for (var i = 0 ; i < childrenNodes.length ; i++) 
if (bool = yhCheckIsIncludingValue(childrenNodes , pattern)) break; 
return bool; 
//Apply this function to the chain of functions
$.fn.contains = function(text) 
var text = $.trim(text); 
if (text == 'undefined') return this; 
var pattern = new RegExp(text , 'i'); 
return this.filter(function(){ 
return yhCheckIsIncludingValue(this , pattern); 

Internet explorer works fine. What happens to other browsers?

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