PHP CKEditor upload image implementation code

  • 2020-03-31 16:44:14
  • OfStack

I spent an afternoon writing my own PHP script to handle uploading files, without doing any more security. I hope it will be useful.
First, add the following code to your config.js file:
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) 
config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl = './upload.php?type=img'; 
config.filebrowserFlashUploadUrl = './upload.php?type=flash'; 

The above configuration is the address of the file to be uploaded, which you can modify according to your own situation. The upload.php file is as follows:
$config['type']=array("flash","img"); //Upload the allowed type value
$config['img']=array("jpg","bmp","gif"); //Img allows suffixes
$config['flash']=array("flv","swf"); //Flash allowed suffix
$config['flash_size']=200; //Maximum flash size for upload: KB
$config['img_size']=500; //Upload img size cap unit: KB
$config['message']=" Uploaded successfully "; //The message displayed after successful upload is not displayed if it is empty
$config['name']=mktime(); //The naming convention for uploaded files is named after the Unix timestamp
$config['flash_dir']="/ckeditor/upload/flash"; //The address of the upload flash file shall be an absolute address for convenience. The upload.php file shall be placed anywhere in the station without "/" after it.
$config['img_dir']="/ckeditor/upload/img"; //Upload img file to an absolute address to make it easier to place the upload.php file anywhere in the site without adding "/"
$config['site_url']=""; //The url of the website which is related to the address of the picture after uploading can be left blank without "/" at the end
//File upload
function uploadfile() 
global $config; 
//Determine if the call is illegal
mkhtml(1,""," Incorrect function call request "); 
mkhtml(1,""," Wrong file call request "); 
//Determine whether uploading files is allowed
mkhtml($fn,""," Wrong file type! "); 
//Determine whether the file size meets the requirements
mkhtml($fn,""," Upload no more than one file ".$config[$type."_size"]."KB ! "); 
mkhtml($fn,""," File upload failed, please check upload directory Settings and directory read and write permissions "); 
//Output js call
function mkhtml($fn,$fileurl,$message) 
$str='<script type="text/javascript">'.$fn.', ''.$fileurl.'', ''.$message.'');</script>'; 


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