Yii Framework Parameter Configuration File params Usage Example Analysis

  • 2021-12-21 04:18:35
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the use of the Yii parameter configuration file params. Share it for your reference, as follows:

1. Call of the title

1.1 Settings

return [
  'title' => ' Book store ',
  "domain" => [
    'www' => 'http://super.nat300.top/',
    'm' => 'http://super.nat300.top/m',
    'web' => 'http://super.nat300.top/web',
    'weixin' => 'http://super.nat300.top/weixin',
  "upload" => [
    'avatar' => "/uploads/avatar",
    'brand' => "/uploads/brand",
    'book' => "/uploads/book",
  "weixin" => [
    "appid" => 'wxc01ba9b834be5023',
    "sk" => 'da1e24dd41859f769b23c089f827268c',
    "token" => 'tomalang689',
    "aeskey" => 'P6PaB6bPrRzKkva5lq6kHWtYkOOlVhYq4fh1iR7LMKB',
    'pay' => [
      'key' => '',
      'mch_id' => '',
      'notify_url' => [
        'm' => '/pay/callback'

1.2 Call

This is just a simple method to call parameters


2. The patchwork of URL

2.1 Settings

return [
 'title' => ' Programming mall ',
 'domain' => [
 'www' => 'http://book_my.aa.test',
 'm' => 'http://book_my.aa.test/m',
 'web' => 'http://book_my.aa.test/web'

2.2 Call

public static function buildMUrl( $path,$params = [] ){
 $domain_config = \Yii::$app->params['domain'];
 $path = Url::toRoute(array_merge([ $path ],$params));
 return $domain_config['m'] .$path;

3. Load sequence

The back will overwrite the front

1. common/config/params. php
2. common/config/params-local. php
3. frontend/config/params. php
4. frontend/config/params-local. php

The controller ID is:

<?= $this->context->id ?>

More readers interested in Yii can check the topics of this site: "Introduction to Yii Framework and Summary of Common Skills", "Summary of Excellent Development Framework of php", "Basic Tutorial for Introduction to smarty Template", "Introduction to php Object-Oriented Programming", "Summary of Usage of php String (string)", "Introduction to php+mysql Database Operation" and "Summary of Common Database Operation Skills of php"

Hope that this article is based on the framework of Yii PHP programming help.

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