PHP Generate random string instance code (alphanumeric)

  • 2021-12-21 04:18:27
  • OfStack

When we want to generate a random string, we always create a character pool first, then use a loop and mt_rand () or rand () to generate php random numbers, randomly select characters from the character pool, and finally piece together the required length

function randomkeys($length) 
 $pattern = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 
  $key .= $pattern{mt_rand(0,35)}; // Generate php Random number  
 return $key; 
echo randomkeys(8);

Another method of generating random numbers with PHP: Using chr () function, the step of creating character pool is omitted.

function randomkeys($length){ 
 for ($a = 0; $a<$length; $a++) { 
  $output .= chr(mt_rand(33, 126)); // Generate php Random number  
 return $output; 
echo randomkeys(8);

In the second php random function, we first use mt_rand () to generate an php random number between 33 and 126, and then use chr () function to convert it into characters. The second function has the same function as the first function, and it is more concise. If you don't need special characters, it is better to write them directly in the character pool.

ASCII code table

Information is expressed in binary system on computer, which is difficult for people to understand. Therefore, computers are equipped with input and output devices. The main purpose of these devices is to display information on these devices in a human-readable form for human reading and comprehension. In order to ensure the correct information exchange between human beings and equipment, equipment and computer, people compiled the information exchange code of Unified 1, which is ASCII code table, and its full name is "American Information Exchange Standard Code".

8进制 106进制 10进制 字符 8进制 106进制 10进制 字符
00 00 0 nul 100 40 64 @
01 01 1 soh 101 41 65 A
02 02 2 stx 102 42 66 B
03 03 3 etx 103 43 67 C
04 04 4 eot 104 44 68 D
05 05 5 enq 105 45 69 E
06 06 6 ack 106 46 70 F
07 07 7 bel 107 47 71 G
10 08 8 bs 110 48 72 H
11 09 9 ht 111 49 73 I
12 0a 10 nl 112 4a 74 J
13 0b 11 vt 113 4b 75 K
14 0c 12 ff 114 4c 76 L
15 0d 13 er 115 4d 77 M
16 0e 14 so 116 4e 78 N
17 0f 15 si 117 4f 79 O
20 10 16 dle 120 50 80 P
21 11 17 dc1 121 51 81 Q
22 12 18 dc2 122 52 82 R
23 13 19 dc3 123 53 83 S
24 14 20 dc4 124 54 84 T
25 15 21 nak 125 55 85 U
26 16 22 syn 126 56 86 V
27 17 23 etb 127 57 87 W
30 18 24 can 130 58 88 X
31 19 25 em 131 59 89 Y
32 1a 26 sub 132 5a 90 Z
33 1b 27 esc 133 5b 91 [
34 1c 28 fs 134 5c 92 \
35 1d 29 gs 135 5d 93 ]
36 1e 30 re 136 5e 94 ^
37 1f 31 us 137 5f 95 _
40 20 32 sp 140 60 96 '
41 21 33 ! 141 61 97 a
42 22 34 " 142 62 98 b
43 23 35 # 143 63 99 c
44 24 36 $ 144 64 100 d
45 25 37 % 145 65 101 e
46 26 38 & 146 66 102 f
47 27 39 ` 147 67 103 g
50 28 40 ( 150 68 104 h
51 29 41 ) 151 69 105 i
52 2a 42 * 152 6a 106 j
53 2b 43 + 153 6b 107 k
54 2c 44 , 154 6c 108 l
55 2d 45 - 155 6d 109 m
56 2e 46 . 156 6e 110 n
57 2f 47 / 157 6f 111 o
60 30 48 0 160 70 112 p
61 31 49 1 161 71 113 q
62 32 50 2 162 72 114 r
63 33 51 3 163 73 115 s
64 34 52 4 164 74 116 t
65 35 53 5 165 75 117 u
66 36 54 6 166 76 118 v
67 37 55 7 167 77 119 w
70 38 56 8 170 78 120 x
71 39 57 9 171 79 121 y
72 3a 58 : 172 7a 122 z
73 3b 59 ; 173 7b 123 {
74 3c 60 < 174 7c 124 |
75 3d 61 = 175 7d 125 }
76 3e 62 > 176 7e 126 ~
77 3f 63 ? 177 7f 127 del


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