Summary of php5.6. x to php7.0. x characteristics

  • 2021-12-21 04:15:33
  • OfStack

This paper summarizes and analyzes the characteristics of php5.6. x to php7.0. x. Share it for your reference, as follows:

php5.6. x to php7.0. x features

1. Scalar type declaration

String (string), Integer (int), Floating Point (float), Boolean (bool), callable, array, self, Class/interface name

2. Return value type declaration

Define parameter types and return value types

function test(int $a):int{}

If you don't pass the conference as required, you will return an exception

3. null merge operator

null merge operator (? ? ), which is equivalent to the 3-yuan operator

name=name=_GET['name'] ?? "test";echo $name;

4. Spacecraft Operator (Combination Comparator)

It returns-1, 0, or 1 when a is less than, equal to, or greater than a is less than, equal to, or greater than b, respectively.


5. Defining an array of constants through define ()

define('ANIMALS', ['dog','cat','bird']);

6. Anonymous classes

A function parameter is forced to be typed, which is completed by using anonymous classes

interface Logger {
public function log(string $msg);
function test(Logger $logger){
echo $logger->log('aaa');
test(new Class implements Logger {
public function log(string $msg) {
return $msg;

7. Unicode codepoint Translational Grammar

The complete Unicode character is called codepoint, and Unicode sets a unified and only 1 binary code for each character in each language

8. Provide filtering for unserialize (), provide a more secure way to unpack unreliable data, and prevent potential code injection by whitelist

9. Expectation, assert-Checks if an assertion is FALSE

10.Group use declarations

Classes, functions, and constants imported from the same 1 namespace can now be imported once through a single use statement

11. The generator can return an expression

12.Generator delegation

13. Integer division function intdiv ()

14. Session Options

session_start () can accept 1 array as a parameter to override the settings in the php. ini file

15.CSPRNG Functions

random_bytes () and random_int () are used to generate high-security random strings and random integers

16. You can use the list () function to expand objects that implement the ArrayAccess interface

17. Other characteristics

For more readers interested in PHP related contents, please check the topics on this site: "Summary of Common Functions and Skills of php", "Summary of Usage of php String (string)", "Encyclopedia of Operation Skills of PHP Array (Array)", "Introduction to Basic Grammar of PHP", "Introduction to Database Operation of php+mysql" and "Summary of Operation Skills of Common Database of php"

I hope this article is helpful to everyone's PHP programming.

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