Brief Analysis of Smarty Template Configuration Example

  • 2021-12-13 07:34:45
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the Smarty template configuration. Share it for your reference, as follows:

Introduction to Smarty

Smarty is an php template engine. More precisely, it separates the logic program from the external content, providing an easy-to-manage approach. It can be described as an application programmer and an artist playing different roles, because in most cases, they can't be the same person.

Configuration method

Previous: Smarty uses an php constant named 'SMARTY_DIR' as its system library directory. Basically, if your application can find the Smarty. class. php file, you don't need to set SMARTY_DIR, Smarty will work on its own. However, if Smarty. class. php is not in your include_path (one setting in php. ini), or if its absolute path is not set in your application, you must manually configure SMARTY_DIR (as most programs do). SMARTY_DIR must include a trailing slash ('/').

Text: Download the smarty compressed file, unzip to the php website root directory, you can look at the demo folder in advance, it is highly recommended that you set up a single 1 directory for each application using smarty (like the demo file structure in Smarty installation package)! And create cache (cache file), template (template directory), template_c (directory after template compilation) under smarty and directory, and create one example. php file. The contents of example. php are as follows:

// Introduce smarty Core class file 
// Instantiation smarty Object 
$smarty = new Smarty();
// Set the label identity of the template 
$smarty->left_delimiter = "<{";
$smarty->right_delimiter = "}>";
// Setting variables and values 
// Reference template file 

After the code is written, create example. tpl file under template file and write < {$helloworld} > . Finally, open example. php in the browser, and 10000 will be parsed.

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I hope this article is helpful to PHP programming based on smarty template.

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