php encapsulated pdo database operation tool class and usage example

  • 2021-12-09 08:32:54
  • OfStack

This paper describes the pdo database operation tool class and its usage encapsulated by php. Share it for your reference, as follows:

class PdoMysql{
  public static $config = array();// Set connection parameters and configuration information 
  public static $link = null;// Save the connection identifier 
  public static $pconnect = false;// Do you want to open a long connection 
  public static $dbVersion = null;// Save the database version 
  public static $connected = false;// Determine whether the connection was successful 
  public static $PDOStatement = null;// Guarantee PDOStatement Object 
  public static $queryStr = null;// Save the last action performed 
  public static $error = null;// Save error messages 
  public static $lastInsertId = null;// Save on 1 Object saved by the step insert operation AUTO_INCREMANT
  public static $numRows = null;// Number of records affected 
   *  Constructor to connect to the database 
   * @param   array|string $dbConfig The database configuration
   * @return   boolean    ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public function __construct($dbConfig=''){
      self::throw_exception(" Not supported PDO, Please open it first ");
      $dbConfig = array(
              'hostname' => 'localhost',
              'username' => 'root',
              'password' => '1234',
              'database' => 'test',
              'hostport' => '3306',
              'dbms'   => 'mysql',
              'dsn'   => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test'
      self::throw_exception(" No database configuration defined , Please define first ");
    self::$config = $dbConfig;
      self::$config['params'] = array();
      $configs = self::$config;
        // Open long connection , Add to the configuration array 
        $configs['params'][constant("PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT")] = true;
      try {
        self::$link = new PDO($configs['dsn'],$configs['username'],$configs['password'],$configs['params']);
      } catch (PDOException $e) {
        self::throw_exception("PDO Connection error ");
        return false;
      self::$link->exec("set names utf8");
      self::$dbVersion = self::$link->getAttribute(constant("PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION"));
   *  Get all the records 
   * @param   <type> $sql  The sql
   * @return   <type> All.
  public static function getAll($sql=null){
    $result = self::$PDOStatement->fetchAll(constant("PDO::FETCH_ASSOC"));
    return $result;
   *  Get 1 A record 
   * @param   <type> $sql  The sql
   * @return   <type> The row.
  public static function getRow($sql=null){
    $result = self::$PDOStatement->fetch(constant("PDO::FETCH_ASSOC"));
    return $result;
   *  Perform add, delete and modify operations to return the number of affected records 
   * @param   <type>  $sql  The sql
   * @return   boolean ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function execute($sql=null){
    $link = self::$link;
    if(!$link)return false;
      self::$queryStr = $sql;
    $result = $link->exec(self::$queryStr);
      self::$lastInsertId = $link->lastInsertId();
      self::$numRows = $result;
      return $result;
      return false;
   *  Find records by primary key 
   * @param   <type> $tabName The tab name
   * @param   <type> $priId  The pri identifier
   * @param   string $fields  The fields
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function findById($tabName,$priId,$fields='*'){
    $sql = 'SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE id=%d';
    return self::getRow(sprintf($sql,self::parseFields($fields),$tabName,$priId));
   *  Execute a common query 
   * @param   <type> $tables The tables
   * @param   <type> $where  The where
   * @param   string $fields The fields
   * @param   <type> $group  The group
   * @param   <type> $having The having
   * @param   <type> $order  The order
   * @param   <type> $limit  The limit
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function find($tables,$where=null,$fields='*',$group=null,$having=null,$order=null,$limit
    $sql = 'SELECT '.self::parseFields($fields).' FROM '.$tables
    $data = self::getAll($sql);
    return $data;
   *  Add a record 
   * @param   <type> $data  The data
   * @param   <type> $table The table
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function add($data,$table){
    $keys = array_keys($data);
    array_walk($keys, array('PdoMySQL','addSpecialChar'));
    $fieldsStr = join(',',$keys);
    $values = "'".join("','",array_values($data))."'";
    $sql = "INSERT {$table}({$fieldsStr}) VALUES({$values})";
    return self::execute($sql);
   *  Update data 
   * @param   <type> $data  The data
   * @param   <type> $table The table
   * @param   <type> $where The where
   * @param   <type> $order The order
   * @param   <type> $limit The limit
  public static function update($data,$table,$where=null,$order=null,$limit=null){
    $sets = '';
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
      $sets .= $key."='".$value."',";
    $sets = rtrim($sets,',');
    $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$sets}".self::parseWhere($where).self::parseOrder($order).self::parseLimit($limit);
    echo $sql;
   *  Delete data 
   * @param   <type> $data  The data
   * @param   <type> $table The table
   * @param   <type> $where The where
   * @param   <type> $order The order
   * @param   <type> $limit The limit
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function delete($table,$where=null,$order=null,$limit=null){
    $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} ".self::parseWhere($where).self::parseOrder($order).self::parseLimit($limit);
    return self::execute($sql);
   *  Execute a query 
   * @param   string  $sql  The sql
   * @return   boolean ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function query($sql=''){
    $link = self::$link;
    if(!$link)return false;
    // Determine whether there is a result set before, and if so, release the result set 
    self::$queryStr = $sql;
    self::$PDOStatement = $link->prepare(self::$queryStr);
    $res = self::$PDOStatement->execute();
    return $res;
   *  Gets the last executed sql
   * @return   boolean The last sql.
  public static function getLastSql(){
    $link = self::$link;
      return false;
    return self::$queryStr;
   *  Gets the last inserted ID
   * @return   boolean The last insert identifier.
  public static function getLastInsertId(){
    $link = self::$link;
      return false;
    return self::$lastInsertId;
   *  Get the version of the database 
   * @return   boolean The database version.
  public static function getDbVersion(){
    $link = self::$link;
      return false;
    return self::$dbVersion;
   *  Get the table in the database 
   * @return   array ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function showTables(){
    $tables = array();
    if(self::query("show tables")){
      $result = self::getAll();
      foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
        $tables[$key] = current($value);
    return $tables;
   *  Analyse where Condition 
   * @param   <type> $where The where
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function parseWhere($where){
    $whereStr = '';
      $whereStr = $where;
    return empty($whereStr) ? '' : ' WHERE '.$whereStr;
   *  Analyse group
   * @param   <type> $group The group
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function parseGroup($group){
    $groupStr = '';
      $groupStr = implode(',', $group);
      $groupStr = $group;
    return empty($groupStr) ? '' : ' GROUP BY '.$groupStr;
   *  Analyse having
   * @param   <type> $having The having
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function parseHaving($having){
    $havingStr = '';
      $havingStr = $having;
    return empty($havingStr) ? '' : ' HAVING '.$havingStr;
   *  Analyse order
   * @param   <type> $order The order
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function parseOrder($order){
    $orderStr = '';
      $orderStr = $order;
    return empty($orderStr) ? '' : ' ORDER BY '.$orderStr;
   *  Analyse limit
   * @param   <type> $limit The limit
   * @return   <type> ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function parseLimit($limit){
    $limitStr = '';
      $limitStr = implode(',', $limit);
      $limitStr = $limit;
    return empty($limitStr) ? '' : ' LIMIT '.$limitStr;
   *  Parse field 
   * @param   <type> $fields The fields
   * @return   string ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function parseFields($fields){
      array_walk($fields, array('PdoMySQL','addSpecialChar'));
      $fieldsStr = implode(',', $fields);
    }elseif (is_string($fields)&&!(empty($fields))) {
      if(strpos($fields, '`')===false){
        $fields = explode(',', $fields);
        array_walk($fields, array('PdoMySQL','addSpecialChar'));
        $fieldsStr = implode(',', $fields);
        $fieldsStr = $fields;
      $fieldsStr = "*";
    return $fieldsStr; 
   *  Reference to a word field by reverse quotation marks 
   * @param   string $value The value
   * @return   string ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function addSpecialChar(&$value){
      // No need to deal with it 
    }elseif(strpos($value, '`')===false){
      $value = '`'.trim($value).'`';
    return $value;
   *  Release the result set 
  public static function free(){
    self::$PDOStatement = null;
   *  Throw an error message 
   * @return   boolean ( description_of_the_return_value )
  public static function haveErrorThrowException(){
    $obj = empty(self::$PDOStatement) ? self::$link : self::$PDOStatement;
    $arrError = $obj->errorInfo();
      self::$error = 'SQLSTATE=>'.$arrError[0].'<br/>SQL Error=>'.$arrError[2].'<br/>Error SQL=>'.self::$queryStr;
      return false;
      self::throw_exception(' Not implemented SQL Statement ');
      return false;
   *  Custom error handling 
   * @param   <type> $errMsg The error message
  public static function throw_exception($errMsg){
    echo $errMsg;
   *  Destroy the connection object and close the database 
  public static function close(){
    self::$link = null;
$pdo = new PdoMysql();

For more readers interested in PHP related contents, please check the topics on this site: "Summary of PHP Database Operation Skills Based on pdo", "Summary of php+mysqli Database Programming Skills", "Introduction to php Object-Oriented Programming", "Summary of php String (string) Usage", "Introduction to php+mysql Database Operation Skills" and "Summary of php Common Database Operation Skills"

I hope this article is helpful to everyone's PHP programming.

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