Explanation of PHP Random Number Functions rand of and mt_rand of

  • 2021-12-04 18:19:15
  • OfStack

rand () and mt_rand () in PHP are both functions used to generate a single random number within a specified range. If you need to generate multiple non-repeating random numbers, please refer to: PHP generates N non-repeating random numbers within a specified range.

Since they are all used to generate a random number, what is the difference between them?

rand() Function default to use libc random number generator, many old libc random number generator has 1 some uncertain and unknown characteristics and efficiency is very low; mt_rand () uses the characteristics known in Mersenne Twister as a random number generator, and its average speed of generating random values is four times faster than rand () provided by libc. So the mt_rand () function is used informally to replace rand () in PHP.



min and max are optional and specify the range of random numbers.

If no optional parameters min and max are supplied, a pseudo-random integer from 0 to RAND_MAX is returned. For example, for random numbers between 1 and 100 (including 1 and 100), use rand (1, 100) or mt_rand (1, 100).

Note: Since PHP 4.2. 0, PHP generation of random numbers no longer requires srand () or mt_srand () functions to generate random seeds, but has been done automatically.


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