Image Compression with PHP

  • 2021-11-02 00:14:44
  • OfStack

In this paper, we share the specific code of PHP to realize picture compression for your reference. The specific contents are as follows

 *  Generate a picture 
 * @param string $im  Source picture path 
 * @param string $dest  Target picture path 
 * @param int $maxwidth  Generate picture width 
 * @param int $maxheight  Generate picture height 
function resizeImage($im, $dest, $maxwidth, $maxheight) {
 $img = getimagesize($im);
 switch ($img[2]) {
 case 1:
  $im = @imagecreatefromgif($im);
 case 2:
  $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($im);
 case 3:
  $im = @imagecreatefrompng($im);
 $pic_width = imagesx($im);
 $pic_height = imagesy($im);
 $resizewidth_tag = false;
 $resizeheight_tag = false;
 if (($maxwidth && $pic_width > $maxwidth) || ($maxheight && $pic_height > $maxheight)) {
 if ($maxwidth && $pic_width > $maxwidth) {
  $widthratio = $maxwidth / $pic_width;
  $resizewidth_tag = true;
 if ($maxheight && $pic_height > $maxheight) {
  $heightratio = $maxheight / $pic_height;
  $resizeheight_tag = true;
 if ($resizewidth_tag && $resizeheight_tag) {
  if ($widthratio < $heightratio)
  $ratio = $widthratio;
  $ratio = $heightratio;
 if ($resizewidth_tag && !$resizeheight_tag)
  $ratio = $widthratio;
 if ($resizeheight_tag && !$resizewidth_tag)
  $ratio = $heightratio;
 $newwidth = $pic_width * $ratio;
 $newheight = $pic_height * $ratio;
 if (function_exists("imagecopyresampled")) {
  $newim = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);
  imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $pic_width, $pic_height);
 } else {
  $newim = imagecreate($newwidth, $newheight);
  imagecopyresized($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $pic_width, $pic_height);
 imagejpeg($newim, $dest);
 } else {
 imagejpeg($im, $dest);
 *  Picture compression processing 
 * @param string $sFile  Source picture path 
 * @param int $iWidth  Custom picture width 
 * @param int $iHeight  Custom picture height 
 * @return string  Compressed picture path 
function getThumb($sFile,$iWidth,$iHeight){
 // Picture common path 
 $public_path = '';
 // Whether the picture exists or not is judged 
 if(!file_exists($public_path.$sFile)) return $sFile;
 // Determine the picture format ( Picture file suffix )
 $extend = explode("." , $sFile);
 $attach_fileext = strtolower($extend[count($extend) - 1]);
 if (!in_array($attach_fileext, array('jpg','png','jpeg'))){
 return '';
 // Compressed picture file name 
 $sFileNameS = str_replace(".".$attach_fileext, "_".$iWidth.'_'.$iHeight.'.'.$attach_fileext, $sFile);
 // Whether the picture has been compressed or not is judged, and if so, the compressed picture path is returned 
 return $sFileNameS;
 // Generate a compressed picture and store it in the same path as the original image 
 resizeImage($public_path.$sFile, $public_path.$sFileNameS, $iWidth, $iHeight);
 return $sFile;
 return $sFileNameS;

Use example:

// Original picture  img/img.jpg
// Generate a compressed graph  img/img_300_300.jpg

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