Example explanation of php submitting form and closing layer pop up window iframe

  • 2021-10-27 06:43:27
  • OfStack

Introduce a very easy-to-use front-end pop-up plug-in:

layer official website address: http://layer.layui.com/

According to the official API: iframe pop-up window of layer

//iframe Layer - Parent-child operation 
 type: 2, 
 area: ['700px', '530px'], 
 fix: false, // Unfixed  
 maxmin: true, 
 content: 'test/iframe.html'

Here, take php development as an example to demonstrate how to automatically close the layer pop-up window after submitting a form

(1) layer edit box pops up:

function edit(id){
 alert(' Operation number is blank, please contact the administrator ');
  type: 2,
  area: ['700px', '530px'],
  fix: false, // Unfixed 
  maxmin: true,
  content: 'index.php?m=content&c=meiti&a=edit_paiqi&id='+id

(2) Edit the main code of the page

<input name="dosubmit" type="submit" id="dosubmit" value=" Submit " class="button" >

(3) Save data in the background of php and point to a method to close layer window

public function edit_config_paiqi(){
		$id = trim($_REQUEST['id']);
		$paiqi_db = pc_base::load_model('paiqi_config_model');
			$insertinfo = array();
			$insertinfo['catid'] = trim($_POST['catid']);
			$insertinfo['meitiid'] = trim($_POST['meitiid']);
			$insertinfo['title'] = trim($_POST['title']);	
			$insertinfo['meitizhuname'] = trim($_POST['meitizhuname']);
			$insertinfo['meitizhuid'] = trim($_POST['meitizhuid']);
			$insertinfo['createtime'] = SYS_TIME;
			$insertinfo['saturation'] = trim($_POST['saturation']);
			$datas = $paiqi_db->update($insertinfo,array("id"=>$id));
				<span style="color:#ff0000;">showmessage(L('operation_success'),'?m=content&c=meiti&a=closewindow');// Save successfully to close window method </span>
			$datas = $paiqi_db->select(array("id"=>$id));
			$template = "edit_config_paiqi";
			include $this->admin_tpl($template);

	 *  Shut down layer Layer 
	public function closewindow(){
		$template = "close_layer";
		include $this->admin_tpl($template);

(4) Close the window and refresh the key code of the parent window page

 parent.location.reload();// Refresh parent window  
 parent.layer.closeAll();// Close all layer Window 

Note: This page needs to load the js library required by layer to use the layer method

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