PHP realizes multi graph uploading and single graph uploading functions

  • 2021-10-13 06:46:57
  • OfStack

The following 1 code introduces the function of php to realize single graph upload and multi-graph upload. The specific code is as follows:

   *  Multiple Picture Upload 
   * @version v1.0.0
   * @author 
   * @since  17-11-24
  public function upload()
    $file = $_FILES['file'];
    empty($file) && $this->response(201,' Please select a file to upload ');
    $count = count($file['name']);       //  Number of pictures uploaded 
    $count > 10 && $this->response(203,' Upload pictures in batches 1 Second most upload 10 A picture ');
    $tmpFile  = [];
    $returnData = [];
    for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++)          //  Loop through pictures 
      $tmpFile['name']   = $file['name'][$i];
      $tmpFile['type']   = $file['type'][$i];
      $tmpFile['tmp_name'] = $file['tmp_name'][$i];
      $tmpFile['error']  = $file['error'][$i];
      $tmpFile['size']   = $file['size'][$i];
      $_FILES['file_'.$i] = $tmpFile;
      //  It is determined whether it is an allowed picture type 
      $ext = substr($_FILES['file_'.$i]['name'],strrpos($_FILES['file_'.$i]['name'],'.')+1); //  Upload file suffix 
      stripos('jpeg|png|bmp|jpg',$ext) === FALSE && $this->response(210,' Image format support  JPEG , PNG , BMP Format picture ');
      $data = $this->uploadOne('file_'.$i,'jpeg|png|bmp|jpg');
      if($data['status'] == 1)
        $this->response(500,' No. 1 '.($i+1).' A picture failed to upload, '.$data['msg']);
      $returnData[$i]['url']   = $data['url'];   //  Picture path 
      $returnData[$i]['old_name'] = substr($tmpFile['name'],0,strrpos($tmpFile['name'], '.')); //  Original name of picture 
   *  Single file upload 
   * @version v1.0.0
   * @author  
   * @since  17-11-24
   * @param  $file    Upload a form name Name 
   * @param  $type    Upload type 
   * @param  $maxSize  Upload file size limit ( Default  10M)
  private function uploadOne($filename = 'file',$type = 'jpeg|png|bmp|jpg',$maxSize = 10240)
    list($width,$height)    = getimagesize($_FILES[$filename]['tmp_name']); //  Gets the width and height of the picture 
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
    $time = $sec.substr($usec,2);                         //  Number of seconds + Microseconds 
    $ext = substr($_FILES[$filename]['name'],strrpos($_FILES[$filename]['name'],'.')+1); //  Upload file suffix 
    $name   = $time.'-'.$width.'*'.$height.'.'.$ext;
    $filePath = $_FILES[$filename]['tmp_name'];
    $type   = $_FILES[$filename]['type'];
    $returnData['url'] = $this->qiniu->upload($name,$filePath,$type);
    $returnData['status'] = 0;
    return $returnData;


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