PHP unlink and rmdir delete directory and all file instance codes in the directory

  • 2021-09-11 19:51:21
  • OfStack

Deleting files and directories in php is actually very simple as long as two functions are unlink1 and rmdir functions. If we want to delete directories and files under directories, we need to use recursion to operate.

Function code: Only delete the files under the specified directory, not delete the directory folder, the code is as follows:

class shanchu { 
// All files in the circular directory  
function delFileUnderDir( $dirName= " ../Smarty/templates/templates_c "  ) 
if ( $handle = opendir(  " $dirName "  ) ) { 
while ( false !== ( $item = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { 
if ( $item !=  " . "  && $item !=  " .. "  ) { 
if ( is_dir(  " $dirName/$item "  ) ) { 
delFileUnderDir(  " $dirName/$item "  ); 
} else {// Open source code 
if( unlink(  " $dirName/$item "  ) )echo  "File deleted successfully:  $dirName/$item<br />n " ; 
closedir( $handle ); 

Suppose you need to delete all files in a directory named "upload", but you don't need to delete the directory folder. You can do this by the following code:

<?php delFileUnderDir(  ' upload');?>

php Delete all directories with the following code:

function deltree($pathdir) 
echo $pathdir;// Used when debugging  
if(is_empty_dir($pathdir))// If it is empty  
rmdir($pathdir);// Direct deletion  
{// Otherwise, read this directory, except . And .. Outside  
if(is_file($pathdir.'/'.$a) && ($a!='.') && ($a!='..')){unlink($pathdir.'/'.$a);} 
// If it is a file, delete it directly  
if(is_dir($pathdir.'/'.$a) && ($a!='.') && ($a!='..')) 
{// If it is a directory  
if(!is_empty_dir($pathdir.'/'.$a))// Whether it is empty or not  
{// If not, call itself, but the original path + The directory name of his subordinate  
{// If it is empty, delete it directly  
echo " You must first delete all files in the directory ";// I used it when debugging  
function is_empty_dir($pathdir) 
// Determine whether the directory is empty  
if($i>2){return false;} 
else return true; 

PHP delete the directory and all files under the directory, the code is as follows:

// Loop to delete directories and files function  
function delDirAndFile( $dirName ) 
if ( $handle = opendir(  " $dirName "  ) ) { 
while ( false !== ( $item = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { 
if ( $item !=  " . "  && $item !=  " .. "  ) { 
if ( is_dir(  " $dirName/$item "  ) ) { 
delDirAndFile(  " $dirName/$item "  ); 
} else { 
if( unlink(  " $dirName/$item "  ) )echo  "File deleted successfully:  $dirName/$item<br />n " ; 
closedir( $handle ); 
if( rmdir( $dirName ) )echo  "Directory deleted successfully:  $dirName<br />n " ; 
// Assuming you need to delete 1 His name is " upload The sibling directory of "is all the files in this directory, which you can do by the following code:  
delDirAndFile(  ' upload'); 


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