Detailed explanation of Yaf framework PHPUnit integration test method

  • 2021-08-31 07:29:13
  • OfStack

This article introduces the detailed explanation of Yaf framework PHPUnit integration test method, and shares it with you as follows:

Test directory

 --  TestCase.php
 --  bootstrap.php
 --  controller
 The    --  BaseControllerTest.php
 The    Off-  IndexControllerTest.php
 --  model
 --  phpunit.xml
 Off-  service
   Off-  TokenServiceTest.php


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
     extensionsDirectory="dbunit.phar" bootstrap="./bootstrap.php">

bootstrap. php Test Framework Entry File

define("APP_PATH", realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
define("TEST_DIR", __DIR__);

TestCase. php test file base class

namespace test;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase as Test;
use Yaf\Application;
class TestCase extends Test
  protected static $_application = null;
  protected function setUp()
    self::$_application = $this->getApplication();

  public function testAppPath()
    $this->assertEquals('/Users/xiong/Sites/kyYaf', APP_PATH);

  public function testApp()
    $this->assertEquals(Application::app(), self::$_application);

  public function testApplication()

  public function getApplication()
    if (self::$_application == null) {
    return self::$_application;

  public function setApplication()
    $application = new Application(APP_PATH . '/conf/application.ini');
    self::$_application = $application;

TokenServiceTest. php service class example

namespace Service;
use test\TestCase;
include TEST_DIR . '/TestCase.php';
include APP_PATH . '/application/library/Service/BaseService.php';
include APP_PATH . '/application/library/Service/TokenService.php';
class TokenServiceTest extends TestCase
   * @var TokenService
  protected static $tokenService;
  public function setUp()
    self::$tokenService = TokenService::getInstance();

  public function testCreateToken()
    $token = self::$tokenService->createToken('22');
    $this->assertInternalType('array', $token);
    $this->assertInternalType('string', $token['token']);


BaseControllerTest. php controller class example

namespace test\controller;
include TEST_DIR .'/TestCase.php';
use test\TestCase;
class BaseControllerTest extends TestCase
  public function testGetConfigAction()
    $request = new Simple('CLI', '', 'Index', 'getConfig');
    $response = self::$_application->getDispatcher()->returnResponse(true)->dispatch($request);
    $contents = $response->getBody();
    $data = json_decode($contents, true);
    $this->assertInternalType('array', $data);

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