An example of implementing relative path of php algorithm

  • 2021-08-10 07:28:02
  • OfStack

An example of implementing relative path of php algorithm

Calculate the relative path (the same directory can be ignored and represented by../or./)

Implementation code:

class Relatively{ 
  private function __construct(){ 
   *  Calculate the relative path (the same directory can be ignored with ../  Or  ./  Represents)  
   * @param Strint $path1 
   * @param Strint $path2 
   * @return string 
  public static function relaroot($path1,$path2){ 
    $arr1=explode('/', dirname($path1)); 
    $arr2=explode('/', dirname($path2)); 
      if($i!=1 && $i<$len){ 
    $reroot=array_merge($rearray,array_slice($arr2, $i)); 
    return implode('/', $reroot); 
$a=Relatively::relaroot($path1, $path2); 
echo $a; 

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